
QMBTagger / News: Recent posts

QMBTagger 0.07

I just released QMBTagger 0.07. This is mostly a bugfixing release, but there are some minor new features. Probably most important is that besides the binary version I release we will soon have rpms for multiple versions of Redhat/Fedora. Also, there have been some minor updates to the documentation (one in the install instructions that is kinda important, so take a look).

Files are in the usual place on the sourceforge page and the docs are already updated on the main website.

Posted by Ewen Cheslack-Postava 2004-06-18

QMBTagger 0.06 And Documentation

QMBTagger 0.06 is out. It includes some bug fixes and a few changes. The major changes are a switch to a resizable 3 pane view (list of songs, metadata, results). Some more minor updates like previewing the filename instead of list RESULT X are in there too. And the executable is now named qmbtagger since that is more comfortable for many.

The other major item of note is that there is now documentation. It is not distributed with the main set of files but it is available online. Look at the menu on the left :).... read more

Posted by Ewen Cheslack-Postava 2004-04-16

QMBTagger 0.05

I decided to make a release because it has been awhile and I haven't had as much time as I want to work on QMBTagger. So, there aren't that many changes, but definitely some important ones.

The bug where building without support for FLAC caused a compile error is fixed. Various other small bugs are also fixed.

There are also some new additions. You can right click on a file in the list and a pop up menu will show up with an option to manually tag the song. You can also use {PTN} in the file name format to get the padded track number (i.e. 01 instead of 1). Also, you can use subdirectories in your filenames now, so you could have {ARTIST}/{ALBUM}/{PTN} - {TRACK}.{EXT} and it would automatically create those directories if they don't exist yet.... read more

Posted by Ewen Cheslack-Postava 2004-04-03

QMBTagger 0.04 Released

A new version is available. There aren't a huge amount of updates, but some pretty big changes. FLAC support is in there now, mp3 tag cleaning works properly now, many of the custom MusicBrainz tags work, and I transitioned to autotools to facilitate the automatic selection of file types (i.e., it won't build FLAC support if you don't have the FLAC libraries).

I am new to autotools, so if anybody can advise me on how to reduce the size of the download, please tell me. I think it may be saving some information that isn't needed, but I am not sure.... read more

Posted by Ewen Cheslack-Postava 2004-01-30

QMBTagger 0.03 Released

This is a pretty major update. New features include
*User authentication
*TRM Submission
*Preferences Saving/Loading
*Progress Dialogs
*TRM Saving/Loading for batch submission
*Many bugfixes

Head on over to the download page to grab it.

Posted by Ewen Cheslack-Postava 2003-11-02

QMBTagger 0.02 Released

I released QMBTagger 0.02 into the world yesterday. Changelog and notes can be found with the download. The changes are pretty minor, but definitely nice. One major change is the ability to add files after having queried and saved some files. It will only query ones which either haven't been queried or didn't return any results. Also, files which have been saved are now removed from the list.... read more

Posted by Ewen Cheslack-Postava 2003-06-17

QMBTagger 0.01 Released

QMBTagger is now in a state where it can be looked at and tested by the general community.

It is still very, very alpha, so be careful what you do with it. As far as I know it should never actually ruin any of your music, but anything is possible. The installation is only semi-automated, so you will need to type in some commands to get it all compiled. Instructions for that can be found in the INSTALL file. You should also be sure to read the README.... read more

Posted by Ewen Cheslack-Postava 2003-06-13

QMBTagger not nearly ready for a release

I noticed that the page is actually getting some views even though it is only a couple of days old (stats show 1, 4, then 16 page views). I wanted to give people who visit an idea of what is going on here.

I am currently the only developer. As of today (May 5) I still have 4 exams to take. Hopefully after I get back home from school (weekend of May 10 hopefully) I will get to do some serious work on this. Currently the CVS builds, but it doesn't do much. Right now I only have it looking up CDs, and even that functionality is pretty crappy. I started to add some other functionality, but it isn't in a usable form yet.... read more

Posted by Ewen Cheslack-Postava 2003-05-05

QMBTagger Project Created

It's historic! Eh, ok, so it's just kind of exciting for me. This project, as the description states, was created to make a Qt frontend for the musicbrainz client library. You can find information about Musicbrainz at .

I will be uploading the basic code that I have soon. All it is right now is a really crappy implementation of the CDLookup code. Most of it is borrowed from the sample code and just reworked into a Qt app.... read more

Posted by Ewen Cheslack-Postava 2003-05-01