
Tree [9204b7] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 docs 2015-04-16 Sean Wilkinson Sean Wilkinson [9204b7] Linked to new repo on GitLab
 etc 2015-01-28 Sean Wilkinson Sean Wilkinson [6105be] Moved PaaS config stuff out of the test apps
 share 2015-02-02 Sean Wilkinson Sean Wilkinson [b8e67b] Show error message string instead of stringifie...
 src 2015-04-16 Sean Wilkinson Sean Wilkinson [830f01] Removed comments from Markdown
 tests 2015-02-04 Sean Wilkinson Sean Wilkinson [62feff] Some changes to try to get the unit tests worki...
 .gitignore 2015-02-16 Sean Wilkinson Sean Wilkinson [5d4754] Stop deleting locally cached images for docs
 .gitmodules 2014-07-17 Sean Wilkinson Sean Wilkinson [0d6421] Reordered submodule listing
 .hgignore 2011-10-31 Sean Wilkinson Sean Wilkinson [9cf408] Updated the .{git,hg}ignore files
 .travis.yml 2015-04-05 Sean Wilkinson Sean Wilkinson [2d1abd] Updated to use Ruby 2.2.1
 LICENSE 2013-07-16 Sean Wilkinson Sean Wilkinson [aeaf78] Added Apache License 2.0
 Makefile 2015-02-16 Sean Wilkinson Sean Wilkinson [5d4754] Stop deleting locally cached images for docs 2015-04-16 Sean Wilkinson Sean Wilkinson [830f01] Removed comments from Markdown

Read Me


QMachine (QM) is a web service for distributed
computing. Its design relaxes the usual requirements of a distributed computer
so far that it can be powered completely by web browsers – without installing
anything. This repository is structured as a
which means that cloning it requires cloning its submodules, too:

$ git clone --recursive

As a model for computation, QM is described in a recent open access paper,
QMachine: commodity supercomputing in web browsers.
That paper, which is the
most accessed paper of all time
for BMC Bioinformatics, explains some of the design decisions behind QM,
demonstrates its use in scientific workflows, and elaborates on some of its
future directions. The accompanying screencasts, one of which was featured by
news sites, are available on
QM has also graced the front page of
Hacker News.

The manual is improving steadily, and a
project wiki is also available for


Purpose Status
Code review Codacy Badge
Documentation Documentation Status
Special targets Special targets
Unit tests Unit tests