
Quake Log Rank System / News: Recent posts

on ice...

I have to tell you that this project is currently 'on ice' because I have a lot to do on other projects and official work. also I'm now visiting an university.
Please excuse those circumstances but I won't forget what I still have to do...
Thank you for your interests in QLRS!

Posted by mg 2005-10-21

dev update

for some other projects I developed my own template system. currently I'm refining it in some details.
also the log file parsing functions have to be rewritten because there is more confortable way to work on them.
so, time passes...

Posted by mg 2005-05-20

production status

i've finished coding all the basic functions. currently i'm developing the user interface and putting the code into its files and commenting some lines. also the database structure is ready.
i'd say it's still alpha status

Posted by mg 2004-12-04

release date

this project is actually in alpha state. please revisit this page for updates and news. an pre-release is to be coming in the next month...

Posted by mg 2004-11-16