

Aidan Vogt
  • Aidan Vogt

    Aidan Vogt - 2014-12-17

    Hey guys,

    so being the complete amateur i am i didnt hadnt tested my entec open dmx dongle with yosemite.

    i remember there being a plugin i had to install to have it work with mountain lion.

    Can anyone help me or point me in a good direction please.

    I went to plug into the light rig we we will be using for a christmas production and had a huge fail.

    complete oversite on my behalf. I will pretty much be screwed this close to christmas if i can't get this working.
    qlc+ 4.8.2 is the version i am using
    thanks all in advance


    Last edit: Aidan Vogt 2014-12-17
  • FactorFilms

    FactorFilms - 2014-12-17

    This is probably the solution. Apple rewrote the FTDI driver in Mavericks for some reason, and it breaks pretty much any device that uses it. Go to the link for a little application that disables Apple's new driver.

    • Aidan Vogt

      Aidan Vogt - 2014-12-17

      i did reinstall that. and tryed without

      i had it when i was running mavericks. so its the same fix for the yosemite?

      should i restart my computer?

  • FactorFilms

    FactorFilms - 2014-12-17

    No idea sorry, don't know of any Yosemite specific problems. Use the USB Pro myself because it's just too much of a stress to not be able to know the signal is going to be reliable.

  • Aidan Vogt

    Aidan Vogt - 2014-12-17

    i got it sorted, it worked, i just had to run the pluggin again