
remote from smartphone(tablet) / traslations

  • Josef

    Josef - 2015-03-27

    I do not see a optiont how to control app throught wifi on smartphone ( someone could make app) or on webserver ( throught webbroswer)

    and i miss a option on make a translation or change a language of app is there option how to change language ( i saw a some kind of translate files but i dont know a lang) i can inprove ( or make translate for my lang from english)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-03-27


    bottom of the page, "-w" option.

    Language stuff: I don't know.

    • Massimo Callegari

      Same page, -l option :D

  • Josef

    Josef - 2015-03-27

    thx guys i tried ...QLC+\qlcplus.exe -l cz_CZ --web and just web work what is wrong ??

    win 8.1 x64 ( does it not mess up when i make a adhoc network by netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=ssid key=password
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork)