
Website migration

  • Massimo Callegari

    I am proud to announce that the QLC+ project now has its own domain:
    It came by a chance that I stumbled on some Hostinger banner and after evaluating it, it sounded like a very good deal. So now the project can count on a premium service with unlimited space, traffic and databases.

    I already moved the website and all the release files.
    This is just the first of 2 steps of the migration. The most important thing I want to move away from Sourceforge is the forum, but it will require a bit of time to find the proper way to move 8000+ posts without loosing data.

    Sourceforge has been a bad experience. Period. Once the migration is completed, I will keep on SF only the project page and the latest release files. All the rest will be hosted on, so please update your bookmarks.

    Enjoy !

  • David Robarts

    David Robarts - 2015-04-07

    New domain is not yet functioning for me. It can take a while for new domain names to propagate to all the DNS servers; I'll try again in a day or two.

    • Massimo Callegari

      Hi, it should be already registered on DNS. Bought it like 5 days ago.
      Where are you located in the world ?

      • 007ghg7

        007ghg7 - 2015-04-08

        Seems to not be working for me either, I am in the center of the United States

  • allitode

    allitode - 2015-04-08

    DNS resolves and to Our ISP is AT&T business services at and it appears they do not have a route to this IP address, as tracert and pathping both fail just after my internet edge.

    Edit: Also in central US.


    Last edit: allitode 2015-04-08
    • 007ghg7

      007ghg7 - 2015-04-09

      At&t home DSL here, I wonder if that is the common thing keeping from working.

  • Massimo Callegari

    Hi guys, thanks for the info.
    I'm sorry this is happening to you.
    I always presumed DNS registrations were worldwide and seamless.

    I confirm the IP is but unfortunately it is not a direct web access. (I guess it is some sort of reflector)
    I am in contact with the hosting provider to understand why this is happening.
    Will post news here if I have some.