
I thought of something neat...

Carl N
  • Carl N

    Carl N - 2004-01-22

    ...where do I go to suggest it?

    I have a few suggestions about some things that may help to make this little app more configureable.

    Like being able to set a different font in each window or change the size/shape/color of the pointer.

    Yes I realise this would make your life even harder than it is but...well, if you make a place for a "wish list" you might get some *good* ideas from some of your users. Things you may not have thought of or considered.

    Just an (heh) idea.

    • Carl N

      Carl N - 2004-01-22

      ...and right after I posted too!

      Found the cursor.dat (I assume the pointer data file) in /usr/share/directfb-xx/ . I guess I'll look around some for different pointers for directfb elsewhere since you didn't design it here.


    • Paolo Gianrossi

      Paolo Gianrossi - 2004-01-22

      I think this is the right place... You might also send email to both me and michele, but that way rest of world would not know about it...  In my idea, in the help forum you should post questions about problems you are having, bugs and help requests in general. Here you should post quite everything else, including but not limited to feature requests, insults, vote-your-best-theme and so on and so forth.

      About themes, we're looking forward to get some way to publish them (like themes.freshmeat or the like)... In the meanwhile, you could just send them to me as .tgz or .tbz archives and I will publish them on my home page (obviously giving you full credit). It this case, though, you should follow some guidelines: make a directory name_o_theme, put your theme therein. You should put at the beginning of your theme file a proper heading stating that the theme comes under the GPL or whatever free license you like. That you allow distribution and bla bla.. Put there also a README stating that images and third party information there are freely redistributable and You Take All Responsability with regards to copyright issues with them. Include a COPYING file with the license. cd .. tar -cvjf name_o_theme.tgz name_o_theme.
      Send it :)



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