
Kernel Crashes takes out my machine

Sorry NA
  • Sorry NA

    Sorry NA - 2002-11-15

    I installed QMail with no problems during installation, then i created a new account using the
    it caused a kernel crash and totally screwed up my /etc/passwd (which i discovered after much system screwage) file as it set it like a non-shadowed passwd file, after fixing this i reinstalled qfd, and once again i got a kernel crash, but this time my lilo has been corrupted by this.....what is it that im doing wrong?????

    • Mitul Limbani

      Mitul Limbani - 2003-01-13

      well thre is no way that qfd interact with kernel ...
      i m really surprised how can we relate qfd with kernel crashes ?? and niether does it interact with lilo ...this seems to be strange errors :(

      -Mitul Limbani
      Project Admin

    • Mitul Limbani

      Mitul Limbani - 2003-02-07

      Well i cant see much to do.

      Y dont u send me the install.log file once you install qfd ..this file lies where u extracted qfd..

      Mitul Limbani,
      Project Admin
      (mitul 2

    • Sorry NA

      Sorry NA - 2003-02-07

      OK Sorry i figured it out.........'Dodgy Machine', after hours of tinkerin on the machine i decided to install it onto my laptop, to which it worked wifout a glitch, so tis was the machine not liking something qfd was doing.  Anyway the machine has been replaced and its all working.  Thanks =)

      Maximusq =)


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