

James Waldby

Welcome to the qenqote wiki!

qenqote is a Python/Gtk program to operate on snippets of text from
the clipboard and put results back on the clipboard. This allows
automation of common editing operations.

The actions that qenqote applies to clipboard text are specified in
configuration files, or qenqote scripts, which can be
user-edited to customize the appearance and operation of menus
displayed by qenqote. Actions are specified by snippets of python
code in the files.

At the moment the few pages of this wiki are cut-and-pasted from and have not yet been formatted for Markdown.

This wiki will:

The actions that qenqote applies to clipboard text are specified in configuration files, or qenqote scripts, which can be user-edited to customize the appearance and operation of menus displayed by qenqote. Actions are specified by snippets of python code in the files.

How to use qenqote for [elementary tasks]

Standard Conversions: [Auxiliary variables].

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

Project Admins:


Wiki: Auxiliary variables
Wiki: elementary tasks