
qdPM - Web-Based Project Management Tool / News: Recent posts

qdPM 8.0 Beta ready to test!

Version 8.0 beta was released on 1 October 2012

In 8.0 version we redeveloped all code to make it faster and more flexibile and now we use Symfony 1.4 with jQuery.

The main upgrade in this version is new user rights and also we moved some other features form extended version.

If you found any bugs in qdPM 8.0 please post them on our fourm or contact us.

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Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2012-10-01

qdPM 7.0

* Added projects report
Allows you create custom project reports and display it on home dashboard or top menu

* Updated time report
Added summary projects and users report

* Moved all configuration from app.yml to web
You can found all configuration in menu "configuration->qdPM"

*Fixed bugs
qdPM 6.0 has several small bugs and they are fixed in 7.0

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2011-11-15

Indian qdPM community site

started Indian qdPM community site

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2011-03-04

Added Czech translation

Added Czech translation. You can find it in file

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-12-08

Added Macedonian and Greek Translation

Added Macedonian and Greek Translation. You can find them in file

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-12-04

Added Vietnamese translation

Added Vietnamese translation
You can find it in file
Thank you Luu Thang for the help with translation!

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-12-01

Russian Community Site

Today we run Russian community site

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-11-30

qdPM 6.0 (final version)

I called this version ‘final’ because all next new features will be added to extended version of qdPM
I will continue support free version but it will be bug fixes and core updates only.

--New in qdPM 6.0--

New Gantt Chart
Now qdPM using jsGantt It’s javascript gantt chart and it’s has better view (4 type of view: Day, Week, Month, Quarter)

Better search function
Search integrated into project, tasks, tickets and discussion pages... read more

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-11-16

Portuguese Brazil translation

Added Portuguese Brazil translation. Thank you Daniel Cardoso for the help with translation. You can find this translation in

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-06-16

Added Chinese translation

Added Chinese translation. Thank you Geraldine Lin for the help with translation. You can find this translation in

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-06-14

Version 5.5.7 (Norwegian Translation)

just added Norwegian translation, thanks Håvard Kristoffersen for the help with translation.
+fixed French translation

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-05-28

Version 5.5.6 (Spanish Translation)

Just added Spanish Translation

thank you Emiliano Marini to help with translation

also there is small fix in Gantt chart. Now tasks sorted by start date

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-05-05

Added Italian translation in qdPM 5.5.5

Just added Italian translation in qdPM 5.5.5. Thank you Alain Dellepiane for the help with translation.

You can found some extra translation in

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-04-25

Polish translation in 5.5.4

added Polish translation in qdPM version 5.5.4
thank you Marcin Pieńkowski for the help with translation

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-04-24

Gantt chart bug fixed in 5.5.3

version 5.5.3 have some small php configuration and gantt chart fixes.

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-04-23

Extra fields bug fixed

fixed bug with extra fields and updated Dutch translation in version 5.5.2

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-04-16

Version 5.5 (Extended Reports)

The main update in this version is 3 new reports (discussions report, time report and Gantt chart).
I can say in this version I added all features that I planed year ago.
Of course I will continue support qdPM. But now I can say target is done!:)

Time report
Using timer report you can see next:
worked hours statistic by users
estimated and actual time statistic per task
filter data by users, projects, task status, and dates
export data to xls... read more

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-04-13

Version 5.3 (Quick access to information)

In this version I added some features to make access to information more faster

Last Task Comment Preview
On tasks listing page you can see the name of the person who made last comment. Move mouse on the name and you will see javascript popup window with text of last comment. So using this feature you can easy do tasks overview.

Filter Projects by Users
Added user filter on projects listing page. Using this filter you can see projects where user is in team.... read more

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-03-12

Version 5.2 (Time Tracking)

New Features:
1. Added time tracking. Now users can put worked hours in task comments. In task info block you can see Est. Time and Actual time and difference.
2. Added Tickets reports system. See Tickets->Tickets Reports. It works in the same way like tasks reports where you can set which reports display on home page.
3. Added some projects statistic to project listing. Now you can see how many open tasks, overdue tasks and open tickets are in each project.... read more

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-02-19

Version 5.1 (more configurations)

There are a lot of small things was updated, added and fixed in this version but first I want to say thank you to Nicolas Heinen for his support, suggestions a big donation!

List of changes:
1. added notification when tasks move to other user using quick edit task form and new assigned user will get notification about new task
2. added configuration to set off/on features
open apps\frontend\config\app.yml
and you can see variables use_scheduler, use_tickets etc
just set off which you don;t use
3. added date format configuration
see apps\frontend\config\app.ym
4. added configuration option to notify all project team if task created or task comment added
see notify_all_project_team
note: by default off
5. added new page “Tasks” where you can see list of all tasks from all projects
this page can be useful for mangers where manger can easy see quick tasks report
6. if task due date in past task row will be bold
7. added 5 new skins... read more

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2010-01-21

Version 5.0 (Support Tickets)

There are a lot of updates in this version and the main update is support tickets. First I want to say big thank you to Kym ( she help me with tickets idea and testing.

Support Tickets
Support tickets in qdPM is useful bridge between clietn->manager->programmer. In configuration area we can set which users group can manage tickets and as an example we can allow clients manage support tickets only. So client go to PM and create new ticket.... read more

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2009-12-12

Version 4.4 (extra skins)

The main update in this version is extra skins. By default qdPM had only one skin with color schemes. Now you can use extra skin. To select new skin use link “Skins” in header menu. I already added 5 new skins. Hope you will like them:)

Project multiple edit and export
Now you can select multiple projects and change status or type. Also you can do xls export selected projects. All project fields + extra fields will be exported + total of numeric values in extra fields will calculated. So it will be useful to see some project statistic.... read more

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2009-11-25

Version 4.3 (more translations)

In this version I added 4 new translations: German, French, Spanish, Chinese

I want to say thank to Max who helped whit translations. If you want to offer you translation, contact me:)

Just remember you can change interface translation on “my account” page

Also in this version I added counts in project and task filters, so now we can see count project by status and by type, count tasks by status, versions, groups etc… It will help better overview information in page. See screenshots... read more

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2009-08-29

Version 4.2 (extended extra fields)

The main update in this version is extra fields.

Sometimes we need to have some extra fields for tasks like "fixed price" or "used time" or "bunged" for project and we want to see total value of these extra fields and see values of these fields in item list

Now we have new type "Number" and new option "Display in list" for projects, tasks, and users extra fields.
If we set type "number" fields total value calculated automatically
if we set option "Display in list" on, fields value will add to item list
See example: read more

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2009-08-18

Version 4.1 (Speed Up)

The main update in this version is javascript and css cache. qdPM has 20 external Javascript scripts and 7 external stylesheets and it's not very good for page load speed.

80% of the end-user response time is spent on the front-end. Most of this time is tied up in downloading all the components in the page: images, stylesheets, scripts, Flash, etc. Reducing the number of components in turn reduces the number of HTTP requests required to render the page. This is the key to faster pages.[/quote]... read more

Posted by Sergey Kharchishin 2009-07-08