
QDMerge / News: Recent posts

QDSQL Module Added

Mario Gray's QDSQL module (using QDMerge as a platform for DBI-SQL queries) has been added to the CVS tree. Mario is working to polish and refine the module, but the current snapshot is there for developers to test.

Posted by chromatic 2000-03-23

QDMerge seeks Bug Finders!

Version 0.54 (development release) of QDMerge, a template-driven document parser, seeks Perl and web gurus to play with the latest version. We're preparing for the ominous 0.6 release, and we would love input on functionality, documentation, portability, and any other suggestions you may have. We love patches too, but bug reports are great.

Visit the QDMerge page at for more information.

Posted by chromatic 2000-03-09

Latest Development Version Updated

QDMerge is headed for the 0.6 release with shiny new code! There are still a few things left to polish, but it's back and working better than ever.

Posted by chromatic 2000-02-29