
QDAC3.0 / Blog: Recent posts

[IMPORTANT] QDAC 3.0 SVN and GiT Moved

Dear users:
As a chinese developer,sometime I and my country users can't access sourceforge or github in chinese .So I create a simple SVN and Git Server at my home website.As is,This project will not update in sourceforge.You should check out it from:
If you found any bugs,you can still create a tickets at sourceforge.I will fix it if confirmed.

Posted by swish 2017-09-18

[QDAC]New release for QDAC 3.0

What's new

  • Added:some new functions,such as IsEmailAddr/IsChineseMobile/IsChineseIdNo/DecodeChineseId/SizeOfFile
  • Fixed:TQBytesCatHelper.Value now is only the real value.


  • Fixed:Idle worker be fired in special scene.


  • Added:A new event for user interactive with parse the macro name.


  • Fixed:RenameHistory and PerFileOneDay conflict... read more
Posted by swish 2016-03-17 Labels: QDAC

[QAMF]Powerful AMF format parser for Delphi

Now,a new member has been joined into QDAC family:QAMF.
AMF is an adobe action message format for flash and flex.It's a binary encode format,and many program use it.
QAMF support:
1.AMF0 and AMF3 datatypes;
2.Add custom class decoder for special data;
3.RTMP encoded amf data
Currently,AMF is in alpha testing,and if you want join the test,please send mail to me:
I hope more test case can be used for test QAMF.
Thanks support.

Posted by swish 2016-03-17 Labels: AMF Delphi C++ QDAC

Virtual Keyboard Helper for Android Updated

I have wrote a helper for android keyboard auto manager to make virtual keyboard in android application more easy.
Today,I have fix a bug found by 阿笨猫,and repost it in my blog.You can download a mirror version from here for foreign friends out of china.If you are a chinese,please visit and download the new version.

Posted by swish 2016-01-08 Labels: FMX Virtual Keyboard Android

[QString]Fixed:PosW's AStartPos parameter not used or has not effect

Thanks for amumu report this bug.please use svn check out.

Posted by swish 2015-11-22 Labels: QString PosW

[QString] Fixed:MemScan maybe dead loop in special condition

Please update to new version If you want use this function.

Posted by swish 2015-11-20 Labels: QString MemScan

[QDB] Fix CopyFrom function not work if source database has blob field

[Bug Description]
When copy data from a dataset(not TQDataSet instance) which have some blob field,an exception will occured.
[Error Level]
[Update Level]

Posted by swish 2015-11-20 Labels: QDB BugFix

[QString]New functions added for chinese

  • Simple chinese to traditional chinese convert function:SimpleChineseToTraditional/TraditionalChineseToSimple
  • Convert curreny value to chinese capital string:CapMoney
Posted by swish 2015-11-10 Labels: Convert Chinese Simple Traditional Capital Money Currency

[QLang] Editor add support for simple chinese <-> traditional chinese auto convert

No more action needed,Just add the target language and click auto translate button.This will be done in fly.

Posted by swish 2015-11-07 Labels: QLang Multi-Language Convert Chinese

[QWorker] QWorker fix a bug in ClearJobState

If you call PeekJobState or EnumJobStates,and free it by ClearJobState/ClearJobStates, memory leak will occur if have anonymously job function.
[Error level]
[Update Level]


Posted by swish 2015-11-07 Labels: QWorker Bug MemoryLeaks

[QLang] New! Version 3.0.2 released!

The new version of QLang is released now! The new version have added support for VCL 64 bit application.So currently,32/64 vcl application can use QLang now.
If you want buy the this software,you can pay with alipay or paypal.

Click here to buy QLang with AliPay.

Click here to buy QLang with PayPal... read more

Posted by swish 2015-11-04 Labels: QLang Release

[QDB] SQLite support for QDB is working by 不得闲

A new provider create by 不得闲(A chinese programer) has been merged into source code.So the QDB will support sqlite3 direct in the future.Thanks 不得闲。

Posted by swish 2015-10-19 Labels: QDB SQLite

[QLang]New compiler tool powered by 麦子仲肥 use qlang as multi language solution

I am very glade to announce a new software use qlang as it's multi-language solution.That software is powered by a chinese programer,his name is 麦子仲肥 and the program create by C++ builder.As you known,this mean the QLang run in C++ builder correctly.

A gif Screenshot

You can download this software from baidu netdisk or send mail to

Posted by swish 2015-10-19 Labels: QLang Commandline Compile Tool

[QLang]Only $24 needed for users if you buy it before 2015-11-1.

QLang is the simple usage multi-language component for Delphi and C++ Builder 2007+.This product is base on JSON format language file and provider a powerful multi-language editor for users.Before it currently in Beta testing(The editor is in working and not complete yet),I decide give the lowest price for everyone:
If anyone buy this product before 2015-11-1,The price is only the 10% of total needed.In china,this mean you only need pay 150 RMB,Outside of china,this mean you only need pay $24.After 2015-11-1,the standard price is back.For chinese,the price is 1500 RMB,for the outside of china,the price is $239.
Please notice the price is the not include the banking fee for outside of china.The banking fee is need paied by user.If you have chinese business friends,you can buy through them.
The power of QLang are:
* Simple to use.If your project don't use the string constants,only six characters needed add to your project(Add qlang to your project uses section only).If you are using the string constants,what you needed is enclose the strings or change it as a resource string;
* More powerful.QLang not only translate Component's string properties,font and layout properties also includes.
* Powerful qlang editor.QLang editor is the powerful multi-language tools for QLang,It havs many good feathers,such as Web translators support(Google and baidu translator in first version),Web dictionary support(You can also join the translation for delphi/c++ builder shipped resourcestrings and third part components)
* Full source include.Dont warry about the security and the author's reasons.You can edit the source and fixed bugs with your self.
Thanks for every supports.

Posted by swish 2015-10-19 Labels: QLang Multi-language Price feathers

2015-7-22 SVN Changed to svn://

I must say thanks to sourceforge.In the last three years,the QDAC project is hosted in sourceforge.But now,we have a standalone svn server in the offical website.So I decide to move the full project to the official website.
The new SVN url is :
You can check out the newest source from here.And the source in the sourceforge will not update anymore.


swish at 2015-7-22

Posted by swish 2015-07-21

QDAC official web site is down,please wait for fixed

I am very sorry for this message.When the server up,I will notice in QQ group for all.

Posted by swish 2014-11-26

QDAC some bugs fixed and new version posted

* Fix a bug when Decrypt an string because encoding automatic detect error.

+ Add AsJson property for encode data as JSON format text.
+ Add support array style access in ItemByPath
* change rtti array support error message
* change rtti array support error message
+ Add follow functions:ValueFromStream/ValueFromFile/StreamFromValue/StreamFromFile

+ Add support array style access in ItemByPath
* change rtti array support error message
+ Add AsBytes property and follow functions:ValueFromStream/ValueFromFile/StreamFromValue/StreamFromFile
* Change GetAsVariant with jdtNull action... read more

Posted by swish 2014-11-26 Labels: Update Changes

QMsgPack and QJson fix misc bugs

QMsgPack is a messagepack protocol implementation for Delphi/C++ Builder,and QJson is for JSON protocol.

[What's in update]

Fixed bugs FromRtti and ToRtti functions in QJson/QMsgPack when process TCollection type object. The detail information is locate at (Chinese language only): (QJson) and (QMsgPack) .



[Update Suggestion]

Recommend... read more

Posted by swish 2014-11-10 Labels: Update QJson QMsgPack

QWorker add a new job based initialize and free support

As default,if you post a job to Workers object with a Data Pointer,you can assign a value to AFreeType parameter for tell the manager how to free the data.But sometime,the default implimention is not enough.So we add a JOB based initialize and free helper class named TQJobExtData.

Let us see the constructors:
constructor Create(AData: Pointer; AOnFree: TQExtFreeEvent); overload;
constructor Create(AOnInit: TQExtInitEvent;AOnFree: TQExtFreeEvent); overload;
constructor Create(const Value: Int64); overload;
constructor Create(const Value: Integer); overload;
constructor Create(const Value: Boolean); overload;
constructor Create(const Value: Double); overload;
constructor CreateAsDateTime(const Value: TDateTime); overload;
constructor Create(const S: QStringW); overload;
constructor Create(const S: AnsiString); overload;
constructor Create(AData: Pointer; AOnFree: TQExtFreeEventA); overload;
constructor Create(AOnInit: TQExtInitEventA;AOnFree: TQExtFreeEventA); overload;
{$ENDIF}... read more

Posted by swish 2014-10-27 Labels: QWorker AutoFree