
quickcam.c CVS-Vers.1.11

  • Christian Kuehn

    Christian Kuehn - 2001-01-06


    The new version of quickcam.c (CVS Version 1.11) did not connect to the v4l device /dev/video0....
    In /var/log/message the driver announce that a quickcam was found like this :
    Jan  6 12:23:00 jeffrey kernel: usb.c: registered new driver quickcam
    Jan  6 12:23:00 jeffrey kernel: USB testing Class ff SubClass ff
    Jan  6 12:23:00 jeffrey kernel: USB Quickcam camera found using: $Id: quickcam.c,v 1.11 2001/01/05 23:47:21 jfclere Exp $
    Jan  6 12:23:00 jeffrey kernel: quickcam: HDCS1000-sensor ident:64
    Jan  6 12:23:00 jeffrey kernel: quickcam: Photobit-sensor ident:03 64
    Jan  6 12:23:00 jeffrey kernel: This Quickcam has a HDCS1000 sensor!
    Jan  6 12:23:00 jeffrey kernel: Init PB100 sensor failed

    But no change to use any v4l-apps, and /proc/video/dev
    ist empty.

    Any idea??

    • Christian Kuehn

      Christian Kuehn - 2001-01-06

      Same problem with vers. 1.12


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2001-01-06

      And this is my /var/log/messages:

      Jan  6 14:47:09 zeus kernel: Linux video capture interface: v1.00
      Jan  6 14:47:15 zeus kernel: usb.c: registered new driver quickcam
      Jan  6 14:47:15 zeus kernel: USB testing Class ff SubClass ff
      Jan  6 14:47:15 zeus kernel: USB Quickcam camera found using: $Id: quickcam.c,v
      1.12 2001/01/06 12:41:19 jfclere Exp $
      Jan  6 14:47:15 zeus kernel: quickcam: HDCS1000-sensor ident:00
      Jan  6 14:47:15 zeus kernel: quickcam: Photobit-sensor ident:03 64
      Jan  6 14:47:15 zeus kernel: This Quickcam has a HDCS1000 sensor!
      Jan  6 14:47:15 zeus kernel: Init PB100 sensor failed

    • Christian Kuehn

      Christian Kuehn - 2001-01-07

      Think the problem comes from changes in Linux-2.4.0 (released version...) in file

      Any Idea?


    • Christian Kuehn

      Christian Kuehn - 2001-01-07

      It seems to be a problem with claiming the USB-device
      by the quickcam.o ?!

      I'm missing the message:
      Jan  7 17:28:54 jeffrey kernel: usb.c: quickcam driver claimed interface c60a7e00
      in the message-log.

      Linux-2.4.0 (Released version)


    • Fredrik Sorensson

      Hello everyone.

      I tested the latest version, which seems to be 1.14, but no luck...

      I'm running 2.2.18.

      (Three cheers for jfclere though for his great effort so far)

      Jan  8 09:58:26 hobsala kernel: USB testing Class ff SubClass ff
      Jan  8 09:58:26 hobsala kernel: USB Quickcam camera found using: $Id: quickcam.c,v 1.14 2001/01/07 23:23:07 jfclere Exp $
      Jan  8 09:58:26 hobsala kernel: quickcam: HDCS1000-sensor ident:00
      Jan  8 09:58:26 hobsala kernel: quickcam: Photobit-sensor ident:03 64
      Jan  8 09:58:26 hobsala kernel: This Quickcam has a PB100 sensor!
      Jan  8 09:58:26 hobsala kernel: Init PB100 sensor failed        

    • Christian Kuehn

      Christian Kuehn - 2001-01-09

      Hi !

      Found the error for "init failed PB100 sensor":

      In Vers. 1.14 a "return (0)" missed before line 2057 (without this the init-function failed in every case!)

      Not the cam registered correctly to /dev/video, but no
      useable video output... sometime my LInux crashed.



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