
Database Support

  • Roach

    Roach - 2005-10-04


    I've been toying around with QAT for the past couple of days, and it seems like a very slick tool.  However I noticed that all test files (test cases) are stored as files, I was wondering if there is any support for storing these within a database (MySQL, Oracle) ???? 


    • Web Hiker

      Web Hiker - 2005-10-04

      Hi Brodie (Roach?),

      Technically there is no reason why we couldn't store all the tests in a DB, indeed, my main pet project is a native XML DB Nxqd (here on Sf too), so I have some expertise in this area.
      But I don't really see what advantages this would have as opposed to a file system. Were you thinking  of configuring the clients (agents) to have access to the tests as well instead of sending them over the wire?


    • Roach

      Roach - 2005-10-04

      Hi, thanks for the speedy reply.  The reason why I am interested in storing the test files in a database is because I plan on using this program on multiple clients.  Each of these clients will be creating and updating test files which ideally I would like to be stored in a database so that I do not have to get all of the other clients to constantly be updating their file structure.  The test cases will be numbering in the hundreds, possibly 1000+ once the project is in full swing.  I guess I'm just trying to find the easiest way to manage all of these test files.

      • Web Hiker

        Web Hiker - 2005-10-04

        But still, what you call a client, in a QAT context I call an agent, typically never needs to have access to the tests.
        The QAT gui retrieves these tests off the file system, and sends them to the agents running on remote machines.

        If you understand this architecture, and still want to store the tests in a db - no problem. All you need to do is implement your own test finder (

        I browsing the API, I notice it uses File, I will probably need to change this to InputStream so you can read it out the DB, but it's not a major change.

        If you need this functionality, let me know I can add you in as a dev and we can get the changes you need added into cvs.



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