
UINullControl and UIANullControl missing?

Tom K
  • Tom K

    Tom K - 2011-04-11


    I'm currently evaluating your project to perform some automated UI testing. Some issues I'm trying to iron out with it:

    Some of the recorded output code uses variable identifiers that are reserved keywords. As a consequence the generated recorder code does not compile.

    There also appears to be a problem relating to retrieving the ID/Name of a text box when said text box is appended to a container's controls collection before it's associated label, or something along those lines (this is within a managed winforms application).

    I also want to see if it is feasible to add some behaviour to the recorder that would enable the automatic disambiguation between sibling controls of similar properties or identifiers when walking the control tree from 'top to bottom', by evaluating sibling controls whilst walking the tree from 'bottom to top'.

    Finally, adding a Runas parameter to the process launch.

    Unfortunately however, the code as checked out from subversion is missing a referenced file from the Qaliber.Engine project in the Controls namespace: UINullControl.cs - which I presume contains the definitions for both UINullControl and UIANullControl.

    I could attempt to recreate these classes but would rather have the originals as is so that I don't introduce my own problems. I've scoured the logs on the subversion server and cannot find this file or any record if it's presence and subsequent deletion.

    Any chance the file could be submitted? Odd that it should be missing.


  • Benny Cohen

    Benny Cohen - 2011-04-12

    I updated the svn so the missing files should be available, if you'll have any improvements you would like to merge back you can contact me ( and I can update it / give you write permissions to the svn

    Thanks, Benny

  • Tom K

    Tom K - 2011-04-13


    Thanks for updating subversion. I updated my working copy and the files are now there.

    I don't have the 2005 SDK installed (just the 2008 one) and experienced a few problems building the 2008 plugin - mainly due to the changes to the user specific Experimental Hive between Visual Studio versions 2005 and 2008.

    The build error I was receiving was "Failed to retrieve paths under VSTemplate for the specified registry hive."

    I had to:

    1) Unload the project file
    2) Right click project file -> edit
    3) set <UseVS2005MPF>false</UseVS2005MPF>
    4) set <RegisterWithRanu>true</RegisterWithRanu> (fyi RANU = Run as normal user, part of the Experimental Hive change)
    5) Save & Reload project.

    At this point I attempted to rebuild but received another problem: "No registration data found in this assembly."

    To resolve this, I had to make the following adjustment to the references:

    Change Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell to Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.9.0 (both references together cause type conflicts)
    Add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.9.0 alongside Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.8.0 (although references to types in the earlier assembly should supposedly be upgraded)

    The project built afterwards. Apparently these are related to some known issues for extension projects upgraded from 2005 to 2008, or something like that. References:

    I haven't tested that they all run correctly yet, but at least now it builds.

    I'm also evaluating whether or not the library can interact correctly with the DevExpress winforms control suite, a key requirement to us. I'll be back in touch once I've had the chance to review.

    Thanks again for your help, Tom.


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