
Run xxx.scn files from command line

  • Zeev

    Zeev - 2012-03-08

    How can I run xxx.scn files from the command line or by batch command ???
    I need to run few .scn files from the command line or by batch command with some delay between the scenarios.
    please help !!!

  • larry dysart

    larry dysart - 2012-04-11

    I use Windows Powershell, but any batch command would do. Here's the command line I use:

            # run the QALiber test scripts
            $TestRunner = "C:\Program Files (x86)\QAlibers\QAliber Agent\QAliber Test Runner.exe" 
            $FreshInstall = "-file=`"Run Smoke Test.scn`" -exit=true"
            start-Process -FilePath $TestRunner -ArgumentList $FreshInstall -Wait

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