Mike Neale - 2010-08-11

Hi Ben and Homfri.

I love your project.

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Mike and i'm a software developer for a company called "Evander" (used to be part of Homeserve).

I am very much interested in your project and wanted to contribute so I have written some code in QAliber.Engine which adds DDT functionality (Data Driven Testing).

If you're familiar with other automated UI testing products like TestComplete for example, you will probably have seen the DDT objects in there and how it deals with it.

The code i've written is based on the TestComplete 7 way of doing DDT and there are DataDrivers for CSV files and for ADO databases.

I've also fixed some of the bugs i've found with the Recorder project.

I would love to join the project if you want me to.

