
Schema Update

Ok, i remodeled the schema. So far so good... Had to change the schema around for how the dialogs were created and handled by the application. Originally, i had the main window create the various dialogs necessary for the altering of detail data. Now I am changing it (due to
memory faults) so that each view controls its respective dialog box.

The menu will emit it's usual browse, and browse mode signals. They will still be attached to the main window widget (gadmintool) slot functions (GATModify, etc) but now instead of calling the detail edit, the main widget will emit a MODIFY signal that will be caught by the views. The views will then exec the detail editing dialog box(es) whose scope will be the duration of the member function called. The detail dialog box will be modal so that the program execution enters a local event loop. When the dialog returns, main program event loop will continue.

Another major change in the schema is the fact that a custom QWidget central widget is made. This way we dont have to keep resetting the central widget in the main application widget. I will upload the files today, as well as a simple diagram of how these things talk to eachother

Posted by Polywog 2000-03-20

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