
Q3Log Quake 3 Arena Stats Generator / News: Recent posts

Q3Log 2.3 Released

Q3Log now has reworked code to cut down on the number of loops performed, as well as lots of extra functionality such as the ability to output the top X most used weapons on the server.

Also included are 2 new template styles to introduce more colour into the output.

Posted by Stuart Scott 2002-10-03

Q3Log 2.0 Released

Q3Log is a Java program that produces stats output from Quake 3 Arena log files. It also works with Rocket Arena, Headhunters and Urban Terror. Adding support for new mods (or even new games that use the same logging style as Q3a) is easy with a little bit of Java knowledge. Customising the look and feel of your stats pages is easy with only HTML knowledge.
Version 2.0 now allows you to sort the output based on what you want, and even to output multiple files each sorted on different fields.
Give it a go and let me know what you think.
The homepage is

Posted by Stuart Scott 2002-09-23

Q3Log comes to Sourceforge

Q3Log (v1.5) is a Java program that produces stats output from Quake 3 Arena log files. It also works with Rocket Arena, Headhunters and Urban Terror. Adding support for new mods (or even new games that use the same logging style as Q3a) is easy with a little bit of Java knowledge. Customising the look and feel of your stats pages is easy with only HTML knowledge.
Give it a go and let me know what you think.
The homepage is

Posted by Stuart Scott 2002-09-18