
project-zs-ng / News: Recent posts

Emergency release v1.1.0a

A bug in v1.1.0 made wkup/allup/monthup stats on all announces say "0" no matter what their real position was.
This was a bug that was introduced while improving non-glftpd compatability, and is only seen under glftpd. Thanks to fullon for reporting this, the bug is now fixed. :-)

All users that run pzs-ng under glftpd should upgrade ASAP, users that run cuftpd or wzdftpd need not bother.

Posted by Jørgen P. Tjernø 2007-12-31

Release v1.1.0, and merry christmas!

Today we've released v1.1.0 of pzs-ng, which among other things contain a usable support for other ftpds - most notably cuftpd (
The revision number is 2412 - and today is 24th december, which means christmas! Merry christmas to all of you, and I hope you like our release.

Any bugs can be posted on as usual. :-)

Posted by Jørgen P. Tjernø 2007-12-24