Hureau - 2019-09-17

Hi, first thank to read this

I try to convert xsd file in python module via PyXBgen.
For CEBDBlock.xsd (attachment) I write : python pyxbgen -u CEBDBlock.xsd -m CEBDBlock
But PyXBgen send me an error, it didn't find the URL. I tried to debug and i found that PyXBgen searchs in the current directory and not in internet. To overcome this issue, I put the xmldsig-core-schema.xsd in the same directory than CEBDBlock. With this way the first step seems to work (why have I to do this ?)

After this I code this in my module :
CEBDBlock_class = CEBDBlock.CreateFromDocument(CEBDBlock_xml)
And again I had an error : pyxb.exceptions_.SimpleTypeValueError: Type {}duration cannot be created from: (duration(seconds=300),)

This URL is from of the CEBDBlock.xml and I don't know why in this case I can't creat this class. (I have a case easier, without namespace which work perfectly).

Can you advise me ?

Thanks for your help


Last edit: Hureau 2019-09-17