
pyvisi / News: Recent posts

pyvisi alpha-1 released

Major code changes. vtk renderer module can now handle escript Data objects properly. A lot of reorganisation and code cleaning has occured. Examples have had the naming scheme changed and have been improved somewhat.

Posted by Paul Cochrane 2006-01-06

pyvisi pre-alpha-3 released

pyvisi is the python visualisation interface, it is a generic, Python-language-based generic interface to many packages used in scientific visualisation.

This is the third pre-alpha release of pyvisi. This release needs the Numeric python module, and no longer supports gnuplot 3.x, however gnuplot version 4.0 and upwards is supported. OffsetPlot objects have been added and are useful for viewing record sections of seismic data. More examples have been added showing how to use the basic functionality of this class.

Posted by Paul Cochrane 2005-03-22

pyvisi pre-alpha-2 released

pyvisi is the python visualisation interface, it is a generic, Python-language-based generic interface to many packages used in scientific visualisation.

This is the second pre-alpha release of pyvisi. Added the ability to plot contour plots, surface plots, scatter plots, and 2D vector field plots. Most of the development has been in the gnuplot renderer module, but the vtk functionality should follow soon I hope. This release is to get some more features into pyvisi and then to go back through the other renderer modules and add the functionality to them over time. This release is also to get some feedback about how people feel about pyvisi.

Posted by Paul Cochrane 2005-03-07

pyvisi pre-alpha-1 released

pyvisi is the python visualisation interface, it is a generic, Python-language-based generic interface to many packages used in scientific visualisation.

This is the first pre-alpha release of pyvisi. Very simple 2D line plots are possible with both the gnuplot and vtk renderer modules. This release is intended to let people know what is in the pipeline, what the structure is, and (if they are brave enough) to have a play with it. Developers are especially encouraged to have a look and give feedback on possible design issues and feature requests etc. To see how the interface is intended to behave, one should have a look at the scripts in the examples/ directory of the distribution.

Posted by Paul Cochrane 2005-02-08