
Times out by 12Hours

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Got a strange thing happening.  Grabbed XML using tv_grab_nz_xtra.  No problem.  Converted the data for showshifter using HMNXMLTV.exe.  Seemed to go Okay, but all programs are 12 hours ahead of where they should be.  HMNXMLTV.exe has a /o option that lets you offset start times, but it doesn't seem to let you move the times backwards (inserting a negative amount didn't work).  Is there something I can do with tv_grab_nz_xtra to fix this?

    • Christian Vandendorpe

      I think it's because the xml file doesnt specify the timezone. I've already notified the author regarding this problem.

    • Chris Ottrey

      Chris Ottrey - 2004-09-12

      Sorry I'm not familiar with HMNXMLTV.exe
      Maybe you'd like to mail the author to fix it at their end.

      There isn't anything (yet) in the grabber to fix this.

      But I have created a feature request... add this option to the grabber library, so this and all the other grabbers would be able to use it.




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