

Barton Cline

Python for .NET is a package that gives Python programmers nearly seamless integration with the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) and provides a powerful application scripting tool for .NET developers.

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Python 2.7 Test .NET 4.0

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  • Barton Cline

    Barton Cline - 2012-12-29

    x86 Windows binaries posted today. I'll be moving on to x86_64 for both Linux and Windows after all SVN updates are complete.

    The .NET executable Console App formerly called "python.exe" has changed to nPython.exe so as to not confuse it with the real CPython "python.exe" console (which has bothered me for years).


    Last edit: Barton Cline 2012-12-29
  • Barton Cline

    Barton Cline - 2013-01-27

    Some very cool things are afoot...
    Unmanaged Exports (DllExport for .Net) is another project aiming to bridge language barriers that M$ seems unwilling to do despite the obvious need.
    Find out about it over on NuGet Gallery. Today I successfully ported the old "Late Binding" back to C# using this very cool library.

    Updates to the repo are forthcoming, but SVN here on SF (via SSH) is kind of a pain so I'll be switching to a more friendly Revision control system first. It looks like there are a few option:
    Both Linux and Windows have GUIs for Git and Mercurial (I will miss all the wonderful features of TortoiseSVN - not so much KDE-SVN).
    Visual Studio will integrate with either of those, I think.
    MonoDevelop favors SVN, but others are not out of the question.
    I'll look into the options, but if they all require ssh (I can't imagine what's wrong with authentication over https), I'll stick with SVN.

  • Barton Cline

    Barton Cline - 2013-01-27

    So, it turns out, according to SF Docs for SVN that it's OK to use https "if access using svn+ssh is problematic". Which, on Windows, it is - seeing as I've spent many, many hours (as in days) trying to get it to work smoothly.


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