
Tree [abc725] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 GSASL 2009-06-19 Alexey Nezhdanov Alexey Nezhdanov [211fe2] Added docstrings from C code.
 LICENSE 2009-07-12 Alexey Nezhdanov Alexey Nezhdanov [b62bd4] Updates for publishing project on SF.
 README 2009-07-12 Alexey Nezhdanov Alexey Nezhdanov [b62bd4] Updates for publishing project on SF. 2009-06-19 Alexey Nezhdanov Alexey Nezhdanov [6b4ead] Fixes: obsolette rc_safe and checking for src/ ... 2009-09-24 Alexey Nezhdanov Alexey Nezhdanov [abc725] Merged patch from Jens Jorgensen that helps bui... 2009-09-24 Alexey Nezhdanov Alexey Nezhdanov [abc725] Merged patch from Jens Jorgensen that helps bui... 2009-06-19 Alexey Nezhdanov Alexey Nezhdanov [525a22] Added support for calling back for missing prop...

Read Me

This project aims at providing a simple and powerfull way to use a GSASL library.

The main 'power' of the project is in the '' which processes an untared
source tarball of libgsasl and produses some python code to wrap it into a more
familiar for for a regular python programmer. I used this package:
99b597e50f2374b463fac1f360a7b465  libgsasl-1.2.tar.gz
but, in theory at least, it should work with both earlier and later versions as well.

Currently (2009-07-12) the package is tested to work only on linux (kubuntu 8.04 and 9.04)
but since both GSASL and python are cross-platform, it should be very easy to port the effort
onto win32/OsX/BSD/whatever. Patches are welcome.

Development of this project was gratuosly sponsored by "Lowtech Solutions". Many thanks to them!

Source code: git clone git://

2009-07-12 Alexey Nezhdanov <>