
#15 SCardGetStatusChange not blocking


While everything works fine on OSX Lion, I have trouble running my code on Win7.

Basically, the problem is that a call to SCardGetStatusChange(hcontext, INFINITE, newstates) does not wait for changes in Win7. The state that is returned has the SCARD_STATE_CHANGED flag activated, but it has *not* changed (ie. no flags have been changed).

When I inspect the integer value of my state, I remark that this value is probably too big (e.g., 1114146, 1115170, ...). Moreover, that value keeps growing when the program runs.

Is this behavior caused by 32 vs 64 bits issues ? Can I force my program to use 32 bits versions of DLLs ?

Thanks for your help,


  • Ludovic Rousseau

    What version of pyscard are you using?

    Can you send a short sample code exhibiting the bug?

  • Antoine Marot

    Antoine Marot - 2012-02-08

    Sample code

  • Antoine Marot

    Antoine Marot - 2012-02-08

    Output of

  • Antoine Marot

    Antoine Marot - 2012-02-08

    I'm using version 1.6.12.

    I attached two files: which exhibits the bug, and output.txt which is the output I get when inserting/removing the card.

    As you will see, the numeric value of the state keeps growing. Also, note the last two entries printed on the output, they are identical.

  • Ludovic Rousseau

    I do not use Windows myself.
    Jean-Daniel will have to look at this issue.


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