
MSVC 6.0 --- buh-bye now!

After spending a few weeks wrangling with MSVC 6.0, and having it reject pretty much all code that would cleverly eliminate a lot of boilerplate, I've decided enough is enough. MSVC 6.0 is holding back the project.

So, I've decided to dump it. As of now, Pyrrlicht will not support build on MSVC 6.0. Good riddance.

As a side effect of this decision, I am also officially deprecating support for Python 2.2 and 2.3. Those versions were built using MSVC 6.0, and while I think a .pyd built using, say MSVC 7.1 would work fine with those versions, it's not "officially" supported. I won't deliberately break build with pre-2.4 Pythons like I am with MSVC 6.0, but neither am I going to support attempts to build for those Pythons.

OK. Now let's get down to writing some useful standards-compliant template code and actually expecting it to build properly.

Posted by Kevin J Bluck 2006-12-02

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