
Python Rapid Application Development / News: Recent posts

Note to Developers

Although the PyRad project is not currently looking for additional developers, anyone who expresses a sufficient drive to follow the basic project guidelines is will be considered. A full document detailing basic PyRad guidelines will be released at a later date but for now are summarized below:

1) Known bugs in an application release are unnaceptable.
2) Code which has been released without complete testing is unacceptable.
3) Given a properly designed toolkit, an application interface can be written faster and easier using code than by using a WYSIWYG editor.
4) A library designed for the rapid development of applications must always provide access to the full power of any lower-level layers.

Posted by Anonymous 2004-11-08

Note on Future Releases

The PyRad project will remain labeled as beta code until all conditions listed below have been met.

(1) Installer application has been created
(2) Complete documentation has been created
(3) No major changes to the interfaces are planned
(4) No known bugs exist in the code
(5) A unit-test framework has been implemented
(6) A unit-test has been written for all pieces of code
(7) All pieces of code pass their unit test... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2004-11-08

Beta 0.1 and Beta 0.2 Released!

The first two releases of the PyRad project have finally been licensed under the BSD license and released! Note that Beta 0.1 was released for the sake of completeness. Beta 0.2 replaced the rad.web module which creates XHTML/CSS compliant code.

Posted by Anonymous 2004-11-08


Welcome to the Python Rapid Application Development Library project!

This is not a new project, merely new to SourceForge and the open-source community. The previously unreleased alpha-stage software will be released in the near future for those interested in a glimpse of some of the project details. The first beta release will hopefully happen in about a month.

Note that the beta release will be stable at all times, yet remain under active development for some time. The first production/stable release will come out when the base planned featureset is completed.

Posted by Anonymous 2004-10-01