
pypvm / News: Recent posts

pypvm-0.94 released

pypvm-0.94 should work with python 2.3 and pvm 3.4. Older
versions might work, but haven't been tested. This is just a release to make things compile more easily and reliably (and to finally fix up the bugs in the example scripts), and offers no other new functionality.

Posted by Greg Baker 2004-09-22

pypvm-0.92 released

This is a minor incremental release just to support Python 2.1.
If you've been encountering problems with Py_Malloc, then
you need this release; otherwise it offers nothing new. It
has only been tested with PVM 3.4.2, although should work
with almost anything else. Download it from:
or visit pypvm's web page:

Posted by Greg Baker 2001-06-13

0.91 now available

This is the first release from the merging of the python PVM bindings done (until now) separately by Michael Petulo and Greg Baker. Significant features are: completed __doc__ strings, and many new PVM functions implemented.

Posted by Greg Baker 2000-09-04