
Tree [2c1dd2] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 README 2015-07-15 Ognyan Tonchev Ognyan Tonchev [5899aa] README: extend info with an example 2015-07-15 Ognyan Tonchev Ognyan Tonchev [2c1dd2] c_code_analyzer: remove unnecessary code 2015-07-14 Ognyan Tonchev Ognyan Tonchev [cff353] c_grammar: update C grammar 2015-07-13 Ognyan Tonchev Ognyan Tonchev [4c1340] gtk_doc_grammar: first version

Read Me

Simple Python-based Static Code Analyzer for C programs based on GLib/GStreamer.
The tool takes advantage of the GObject-Introspection annotations built on top
of GTK-Doc comment blocks. Note that this tool is proof-of-concept only.

To be able to run it, you should install pylangparser first:

To run it, just type:


If run for the following C program:

void b()
  GstElement *parent;

  parent = gst_element_get_parent (el);
  do_something_with_pad (pad);

  if (FALSE)
    gst_object_unref (parent);

the script will output:

INFO: found function definition:
 [[['GstElement'], [[['*'], ['parent']]]]],
 [[[['parent'], ['='], [['gst_element_get_parent'], [['el']]]]],
  [[['do_something_with_pad'], [['pad']]]],
  [['if'], [['FALSE']], [[['gst_object_unref'], [['parent']]]]]]]

calling function gst_element_get_parent
allocating variable: parent
calling function do_something_with_pad
calling function gst_object_unref
freeing variable: parent
WARNING: function returned, non freed allocations: ['parent']