

Alex Sidorenko Martin Moore

Python framework to access Linux dumps programmatically from 'crash' and tools written using it


  • Documentation - Check here for user and developer documentation

Framework/API itself

Migrating from Python2 to Python3

  • [py2to3] - how to modify your old programs to work in PyKdump-3 environment


  • [crashinfo] - do 1st-pass dumpanalysis and provide some useful commands
  • [xportshow] - a tool to extract and print the networking info
  • [startcrash] - start crash and execute epython command


  • [GUI Ideas] - general ideas about why GUI for crash might be useful
  • [Remote GUI] - description of Python-Qt based remote GUI

Algorithms and Ideas:

  • [FirstPassAlg] - algorithms/ideas for automated first pass dump-analysis

Project Admins:


Wiki: Building From GIT - old Python2 based
Wiki: Building From GIT
Wiki: FirstPassAlg
Wiki: crashinfo
Wiki: startcrash
Wiki: xportshow