
PyKaraoke 0.5 Released

PyKaraoke is a cross-platform karaoke player written using Python, utilising the pygame library. It supports the CDG (MP3+G, OGG+G), MIDI (.KAR, .MID) and MPEG formats.

PyKaraoke has undergone a major overhaul for this release thanks to the new developer on the project David Rose. David has made huge improvements to the performance of the CDG player, making it possible to run PyKaraoke on older, low end machines. The CDG player now also offers smoother
scrolling, and support for horizontal scrolling CDGs. The MIDI player has benefited from a number of improvements, including smooth font scaling at any window size, and word-wrapping for systems with a small screen size.

He has also added the pykaraoke_mini interface, suitable for environments lacking a keyboard/mouse, or home karaoke parties using a remote control.

Finally PyKaraoke has also been ported to the handheld GP2X console, and now runs on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and GP2X.

Release v0.5 can be downloaded from here:

Posted by Kelvin Lawson 2006-07-13

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