
mouse double clicks couldn't be handled

  • Sergey Demidov

    Sergey Demidov - 2009-08-29

    Having callbacks on MouseAllButtonsDbl, MouseLeftDbl, MouseRightDbl and MouseMiddleDb in HookManager just gives gives no effect what-so-ever. It seems that mouse double click events can't be caught.
    Using windows 7 x64, Pyton 2.6.2, pywin32 214 and pyHook 1.5.1.

    • Sergey Demidov

      Sergey Demidov - 2009-08-29

      Here's workarround solution for this problem - a LMB double-clicking handler example. It's pretty ugly, though working. I now that time.clock() method is rather inconvenient for building high-resolution timers, but it catches the 0.1 second difference. How fast can you double-click, anyway? ))

      import pythoncom, win32gui, pyHook, time

      state = 0    #LMB states: 0 - befire ckicks; 1 - after 1st down; 2 - after 1st up; 3 - after 2nd down
      tstart = 0    #timer start
      tend = 0    #timer end
      double_click_speed = 0.5 #in seconds

      #LMB down handler
      def OnMouseLeftDown(event):
          print 'MessageName:',event.MessageName

          global state
          global tstart
          if state == 0:
              tstart = time.clock()
              print 'TStart: ' + str(tstart)
              state = 1
          elif state == 2:
              state = 3
          print 'State: ' + str(state)
          print '-----'
          # return True to pass the event to other handlers
          return True

      #LMB up handler
      def OnMouseLeftUp(event):
          print 'MessageName:',event.MessageName

          global state
          global tstart
          global tend
          if state == 1:
              state = 2
          elif state == 3:
              state = 0
              tend = time.clock()
              tdiff = tend - tstart
              print 'TEnd: ' + str(tend)
              print 'Time: ' + str(tdiff)
              if tdiff < double_click_speed :
              tstart = 0
              tend = 0
          print 'State: ' + str(state)
          print '-----'

          # return True to pass the event to other handlers
          return True

      #exit script by right click
      def OnMouseRightDown(event):
          print 'MessageName:',event.MessageName
          print 'exit'

          # return True to pass the event to other handlers
          return True

      #LMB double clicking handler
      def OnMouseLeftDbl():
          print 'DOUBLE CLICK!'

      # create a hook manager
      hm = pyHook.HookManager()
      # watch for all mouse events
      hm.MouseRightDown = OnMouseRightDown
      hm.MouseLeftDown = OnMouseLeftDown
      hm.MouseLeftUp = OnMouseLeftUp
      # set the hook
      print 'State: ' + str(state)
      # wait for messages

      • nanotube

        nanotube - 2009-08-31


        Thanks for the comment, and workaround!

        I'll see if i can reproduce this when i get a chance, over the next few days...


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