
Binary install

  • Elliot Hallmark

    Elliot Hallmark - 2009-06-14


    the binary install insists on python 2.5 while i am running 2.6.

    I'm not setup to build the source myself and would rather not do that.  Is there a binary install for python 2.6?

    I'm running windows xp i386

    • nanotube

      nanotube - 2009-07-30

      Sorry about the delay - apparently i wasn't subscribed to be notified of changes to the forum...
      I'll try to make a python 2.6 build of pyhook within a day or two.

    • Bryce Mickler

      Bryce Mickler - 2009-08-15

      Thanks, nanotube!

      I too am trying to compile with Python 2.6 and am getting the error requiring Python 2.5.

      - Bryce

      • Bryce Mickler

        Bryce Mickler - 2009-08-15

        Is it possible to manually install this package into the Lib folder of my Python install?  I'm really new with Python so please forgive me if this doesn't make sense.  - Bryce

    • nanotube

      nanotube - 2009-08-16

      bmickler: please see the build instructions to make a build for python 2.6, here:

      once it's built, you can install it. since pyhook is a C extension, it needs to be compiled before installation into python...

      i still haven't gotten around to making a python2.6 build of it...

    • nanotube

      nanotube - 2009-08-16

      OK, i have just built a python2.6 installer, and uploaded it to the file release system.
      should show up for download within a few minutes.

      sorry y'all for the delay...


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