
Dead keys problem

  • jean michelem

    jean michelem - 2009-10-14

    HI !  Im using your fantastic project, pyHook, but I get a
    problem with my spanish keyboard. Perhaps you know what Im
    talking about, but I explain it to you: when I use dead keys
    like accents I dont get the correct result in the text
    editor, i.e: á appears like ´´a. I have read a little the
    code but I get lost because there is code in C++, and I dont
    know how it works. It would be great if you could solve it
    or saying to me a clue to to solve it myself.

    thanks and congratulations for your excelent work.
    you can contact me in jeanmichelem at

    best regards

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-01-22

    I am also using a similar (german) keyboard, and I have that problem too.
    Is there any solution about this?
    Otherwise this approach seems obsolete, when it is not possible
    to use accents or circumflex ( î Î â Â ) characters.
    Is it possible to ignore certain keystrokes before they were "hooked" ?

    All help is very much appreciated!

    Thank and regards

  • jean michelem

    jean michelem - 2010-01-22

    Hi Photon72!

    Unfortunately, I didn't get any response from the developers. I was trying to do what you want to do, but it is a hard task, because the code is a mix between Python and C++, and I just decided not to lose time much time on it, and create my own Keylogger. To do that, I wrote a program using C++ and the win32 API. It works fine, and have (more or less) the same funtionality that pylogger, and the best is that it is not a problem to create the exe file, and it is faster and more efficient as you can imagine. I did that several months ago, but it is not completely tested, so it would be great if you want to help me in that issue. If you are interested, contact me at:, and I will share my keylogger sources with you.

    Best Regards.


  • Eleanor Juncker

    Eleanor Juncker - 2010-06-06

    Is it possible to write the pyhook function into a C++ dll and use that dll from python instead of the API wrapper?

  • Fabien Moritz

    Fabien Moritz - 2011-08-27

    Hi there,
    I have a sort of fix for this bug, but be warned: it's not thoroughly tested. It enables the transmission of dead key characters to the system, but does not allow your app to catch them completely (for an "ô", you'll get an "O"). Anyway, it fits my needs (catch the F12 key and allow french users to type what they need). This solution comes from there:

    Here is the modified C file (cpyHook.i):

    %module cpyHook
    %include typemaps.i
      #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x400
      #include "windows.h"
      PyObject* callback_funcs[WH_MAX];
      HHOOK hHooks[WH_MAX];
      BYTE key_state[256];
    #ifdef SWIGPYTHON
    %typemap(in) PyObject *pyfunc {
      if (!PyCallable_Check($input)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Need a callable object");
        return NULL;
      $1 = $input;
    %init %{
      memset(key_state, 0, 256);
      memset(callback_funcs, 0, WH_MAX);
      memset(hHooks, 0, WH_MAX);
      // get initial key state
        key_state[VK_NUMLOCK] = (GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK)&0x0001) ? 0x01 : 0x00;
        key_state[VK_CAPITAL] = (GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL)&0x0001) ? 0x01 : 0x00;
        key_state[VK_SCROLL] = (GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL)&0x0001) ? 0x01 : 0x00;
    %wrapper %{
      unsigned short ConvertToASCII(unsigned int keycode, unsigned int scancode);
        void UpdateKeyState(unsigned int vkey, int msg);
    // from
    int IsDeadKey(int vkcode)
        // MapVirtualKey :
        return(MapVirtualKey(vkcode, 0) == 26) ? 1 : 0;
      LRESULT CALLBACK cLLKeyboardCallback(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
        PyObject *arglist, *r;
        HWND hwnd;
        PSTR win_name = NULL;
        unsigned int ascii = 0;
        static int win_len;
        static long result;
        long pass = 1;
        PyGILState_STATE gil;
        // Traduction de la touche
        WORD Char = 0; // avec ToAscii
        char sKeyName[MAX_PATH] = ""; // avec GetKeyNameText
        DWORD dwMsg = 1;
        BYTE KeyState[256]; // Etat du clavier
        static int bDeadKey = 0;
        // uncomment this next bit if you do not want to process events like "ctl-alt-del"
        // and other events that are not supposed to be processed
        // as per msdn documentation:
        // if message code < 0, return immediately
        //    CallNextHookEx(hHooks[WH_KEYBOARD_LL], code, wParam, lParam);
        // get the GIL
        gil = PyGILState_Ensure();
        // cast to a keyboard event struct
        kbd = (PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT)lParam;
        // get the current foreground window (might not be the real window that received the event)
        hwnd = GetForegroundWindow();
        // grab the window name if possible
        win_len = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd);
        if(win_len > 0) {
          win_name = (PSTR) malloc(sizeof(char) * win_len + 1);
          GetWindowText(hwnd, win_name, win_len + 1);
        // from
        if  (code < 0 || code == HC_NOREMOVE) //Voir l'API Win32
            return CallNextHookEx(hHooks[WH_KEYBOARD_LL], code, wParam, lParam);
        if(IsDeadKey(kbd->vkCode)) {
            bDeadKey = 1;
            return CallNextHookEx(hHooks[WH_KEYBOARD_LL], code, wParam, lParam);
        //Remise a 0 de KeyState
        memset(KeyState, 0, sizeof(KeyState));
        // GetKeyboardState :
        if (GetKeyboardState(KeyState)) {
            if(!bDeadKey) {
                // ToAscii :
                ToAscii((UINT) kbd->vkCode, (UINT)((lParam << 8 ) >> 24), KeyState, &Char, 0 );
                ascii = &Char;
            } else {
                //Ajoute la touche concernée ainsi que l'état du flag (8 : vkCode; 16 : scanCode; 24 : flags; 32 : time)
                dwMsg += (kbd->scanCode << 16); // Pour avoir le scanCode
                dwMsg += (kbd->flags << 24); // Pour avoir le flag
                //Retourne sa traduction
                GetKeyNameText(dwMsg, sKeyName, MAX_PATH);
                ascii = sKeyName;
                bDeadKey = 0;
        // convert to an ASCII code if possible
        //ascii = ConvertToASCII(kbd->vkCode, kbd->scanCode);
        // pass the message on to the Python function
        arglist = Py_BuildValue("(iiiiiiiz)", wParam, kbd->vkCode, kbd->scanCode, ascii,
                                kbd->flags, kbd->time, hwnd, win_name);
        r = PyObject_CallObject(callback_funcs[WH_KEYBOARD_LL], arglist);
        // check if we should pass the event on or not
        if(r == NULL)
          pass = PyInt_AsLong(r);
        // release the GIL
        // free the memory for the window name
        if(win_name != NULL)
        // decide whether or not to call the next hook
        if(pass) {
            UpdateKeyState(kbd->vkCode, wParam);
            result = CallNextHookEx(hHooks[WH_KEYBOARD_LL], code, wParam, lParam);
        } else {
            // return a non-zero to prevent further processing
            result = 42;
        return result;
      LRESULT CALLBACK cLLMouseCallback(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
        PyObject *arglist, *r;
        HWND hwnd;
        PSTR win_name = NULL;
        static int win_len;
        static long result;
        long pass = 1;
        PyGILState_STATE gil;
        // get the GIL
        gil = PyGILState_Ensure();
        //pass the message on to the Python function
        ms = (PMSLLHOOKSTRUCT)lParam;
        hwnd = WindowFromPoint(ms->pt);
        //grab the window name if possible
        win_len = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd);
        if(win_len > 0) {
          win_name = (PSTR) malloc(sizeof(char) * win_len + 1);
          GetWindowText(hwnd, win_name, win_len + 1);
        //build the argument list to the callback function
        arglist = Py_BuildValue("(iiiiiiiz)", wParam, ms->pt.x, ms->pt.y, ms->mouseData,
                                ms->flags, ms->time, hwnd, win_name);
        r = PyObject_CallObject(callback_funcs[WH_MOUSE_LL], arglist);
        // check if we should pass the event on or not
        if(r == NULL)
          pass = PyInt_AsLong(r);
        // release the GIL
        //free the memory for the window name
        if(win_name != NULL)
        // decide whether or not to call the next hook
        if(code < 0 || pass)
          result = CallNextHookEx(hHooks[WH_MOUSE_LL], code, wParam, lParam);
        else {
            // return non-zero to prevent further processing
          result = 42;
        return result;
      int cSetHook(int idHook, PyObject *pyfunc) {
        HINSTANCE hMod;
        //make sure we have a valid hook number
        if(idHook > WH_MAX || idHook < WH_MIN) {
          PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Hooking error: invalid hook ID");
        //get the module handle
        // try to get handle for current file - will succeed if called from a compiled .exe
        hMod = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
        if(NULL == hMod)    // otherwise use name for DLL
            hMod = GetModuleHandle("_cpyHook.pyd");
        //switch on the type of hook so we point to the right C callback
        switch(idHook) {
          case WH_MOUSE_LL:
            if(callback_funcs[idHook] != NULL)
            callback_funcs[idHook] = pyfunc;
            hHooks[idHook] = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL, cLLMouseCallback, (HINSTANCE) hMod, 0);
          case WH_KEYBOARD_LL:
            if(callback_funcs[idHook] != NULL)
            callback_funcs[idHook] = pyfunc;
            hHooks[idHook] = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, cLLKeyboardCallback, (HINSTANCE) hMod, 0);
           return 0;
        if(!hHooks[idHook]) {
          PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Could not set hook");
        return 1;
      int cUnhook(int idHook) {
        BOOL result;
        //make sure we have a valid hook number
        if(idHook > WH_MAX || idHook < WH_MIN) {
          PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid hook ID");
        //unhook the callback
        result = UnhookWindowsHookEx(hHooks[idHook]);
        if(result) {
          //decrease the ref to the Python callback
          callback_funcs[idHook] = NULL;
        return result;
      void SetKeyState(unsigned int vkey, int down) {
          // (1 > 0) ? True : False
            if (vkey == VK_MENU || vkey == VK_LMENU || vkey == VK_RMENU) {
                key_state[vkey] = (down) ? 0x80 : 0x00;
                key_state[VK_MENU] = key_state[VK_LMENU] | key_state[VK_RMENU];
            } else if (vkey == VK_SHIFT || vkey == VK_LSHIFT || vkey == VK_RSHIFT) {
                key_state[vkey] = (down) ? 0x80 : 0x00;
                key_state[VK_SHIFT] = key_state[VK_LSHIFT] | key_state[VK_RSHIFT];
            } else if (vkey == VK_CONTROL || vkey == VK_LCONTROL || vkey == VK_RCONTROL) {
                key_state[vkey] = (down) ? 0x80 : 0x00;
                key_state[VK_CONTROL] = key_state[VK_LCONTROL] | key_state[VK_RCONTROL];
            } else if (vkey == VK_NUMLOCK && !down) {
                key_state[VK_NUMLOCK] = !key_state[VK_NUMLOCK];
            } else if (vkey == VK_CAPITAL && !down) {
                key_state[VK_CAPITAL] = !key_state[VK_CAPITAL];
            } else if (vkey == VK_SCROLL && !down) {
                key_state[VK_SCROLL] = !key_state[VK_SCROLL];
      void UpdateKeyState(unsigned int vkey, int msg) {
        if (msg == WM_KEYDOWN || msg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) {
                SetKeyState(vkey, 1);
        } else if (msg == WM_KEYUP || msg == WM_SYSKEYUP) {
                SetKeyState(vkey, 0);
      unsigned int cGetKeyState(unsigned int vkey) {
        return key_state[vkey];
      unsigned short ConvertToASCII(unsigned int keycode, unsigned int scancode) {
        int r;
        unsigned short c = 0;
        r = ToAscii(keycode, scancode, key_state, &c, 0);
        if(r < 0) {
          //PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Could not convert to ASCII");
          return 0;
        return c;
    unsigned int cGetKeyState(unsigned int vkey);
    int cSetHook(int idHook, PyObject *pyfunc);
    int cUnhook(int idHook);

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