
Tree [5039f1] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .cvsignore 2005-02-07 parente parente [9f53e3] Updated to build for 2.4
 .project 2005-02-07 parente parente [b83670] Updated example so it only requires win32gui, n...
 CHANGELOG.txt 2008-10-08 nanotube nanotube [7ffe2a] update changelog... 2008-10-16 nanotube nanotube [5039f1] Correct some errors in the docstrings
 LICENSE.txt 2003-12-05 parente parente [968c13] Moved from uncpythontools to uncassist 2008-10-08 nanotube nanotube [22abef] create for rolling out source distr...
 README.txt 2008-10-08 nanotube nanotube [600dc0] - cut the changelog out of the readme as a sepa... 2004-09-13 parente parente [a5a2cf] Added __init__ file
 aa 2005-02-23 parente parente [4a0336] Finished doc
 cpyHook.i 2008-10-08 nanotube nanotube [889db1] Update the SWIG typemap syntax from a deprecate... 2005-02-23 parente parente [4a0336] Finished doc 2005-02-23 parente parente [4a0336] Finished doc 2008-10-12 nanotube nanotube [9ca994] add maintainer info

Read Me

See the website,, for the latest updates to this information.

Known bugs
- PyInstaller can't build single-file executables using pyHook. This may be
  fixed in 1.5.1, but hasn't been tested.
- pyHook is reported to break dead keys on non-US-english keyboards.
- WM_CHAR messages are not intercepted by pyHook, even if SubscribeKeyChar() or
  SubscribeKeyAll() are used to set the callback function.

- pyHook will not work on Win9x (no messages show up) as it uses hooks which
  are not present in Windows systems prior to NT 4.0 SP3.

Visit for binaries, documentation, and tutorials.

Bug reports and feature requests should be reported via the Sourceforge page at