Iain - 2014-01-14

looks like the problem is this:

fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]

And the errors in question are all like this:

/opt/local/include/ode/common.h:111:2: error: You must #define dSINGLE or dDOUBLE
/opt/local/include/ode/common.h:139:9: error: unknown type name 'dReal'

Which emanate from this:

In file included from /usr/local/include/ode/ode.h:30:
/usr/local/include/ode/common.h:102:2: error: You must #define dSINGLE or dDOUBLE
#error You must #define dSINGLE or dDOUBLE

Why are these not defined(!) and how do I fix this?


Last edit: Iain 2014-01-14