
pyDict / News: Recent posts

Mailing list 'pydict-devel' had been created

New mailing list 'pydict-devel' had been created. The goal of this list is to exchange informations about pyDict development. To subscribe this list, please visit the following URL:

[Traditional Chinese]
sl׾ pydict-devel wgإߧCoӶl׾ªγ~OΨӥ洫 pyDict oi譱TCYnq\oӽ׾¡AЦܤU URLG

Posted by Shang-Feng Yang 2000-09-13

Mailing list 'pydict-cvs-log' has been created

New mailing list 'pydict-cvs-log' has been created. The main goal of this list is to keep track of changes of the pyDict project's CVS tree. Every commiting to the pyDict CVS tree will automatically send the change log to this list. To subscribe, please visit the URL below:

[Traditional Chinese]
pydict-cvs-log l׾¤wg]wBإߦnFIoӶl׾ªDnتOΨӰlܬ pyDict pe CVS tree ܤơCҦ pyDict CVS tree commit ʧ@|۰ʧOeoӶl׾¤WCYnq\oӶl׾½ШU}ݬݡG

Posted by Shang-Feng Yang 2000-09-12