
Pydev 1.6.5 Released

Pydev 1.6.5 has been released

Details on Pydev:
Details on its development:

Release Highlights:

* Syntax hightlighting now has options to have {}, [] and () as well as operators in different colors

* Code generation for classes and methods:

Note that this is an initial implementation of the idea, aimed as those that use a TDD (Test Driven Development) approach,
so, one can create the test first and generate the classes/methods later on from using shortcuts or quick-fixes (which is
something that those using JDT -- Java Development Tools -- in Eclipse should be already familiar with). This feature
should be already usable on a number of situations but it's still far from being 100% complete.

* Alt+Shift+S C can be used to create a class for the currently selected token
* Alt+Shift+S M can be used to create a method for the currently selected token
* Ctrl+1 has as a quick fix for creating a class or method

* Debugger
* When discovering encoding on Python 3.x, the file is opened as binary
* Remote debugger (pydevd.settrace()) properly synchronized
* Fixed debugger issue on interpreter shutdown on Python 2.7

* Bug fixes:
* Fixed issue when doing code-completion on a line that started with some token that started with 'import'. e.g.: import_foo = a
* Fixed import when running unittest with coverage
* Fixed extract local (could extract to wrong location)
* Fixed NPE when requesting print of arguments in the context-information tooltips
* Fixed AttributeError with pydevconsole on Python 3.x

Posted by Fabio Zadrozny 2011-02-03

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