
#1314 double click in package explorer should give editor focus

Editor (491)

Double clicking files in the package explorer does not give editor focus, but rather keeps it on the package explorer, which is less than useful.

To reproduce:
* Double click file in package explorer.

Examples of unwanted behavior:
* Type text: Any added text will appear in the filename selection filter popup, causing the package explorer to move away from files of current interest.
* Press Home/End(/PgUp/PgDown): Trying to navigate the opened file will instead navigate package explorer away from files of current interest.
* Press Ctrl-A: Instead of selecting all text, all files are selected.
* Press Del: will attempt to delete the current file.

I expect to be able to double click a file, and then directly be able to browse/edit it using the keyboard. Anyhing else is a distraction that makes me less productive.

But all else aside, thanks again for all the hard work you've put into pydev! It's really great, and it's really come a long (and impressive!) way since I last committed any code to it. Great work, my good man!


  • YoHell

    YoHell - 2011-04-14
    • labels: --> Editor
  • Fabio Zadrozny

    Fabio Zadrozny - 2011-04-19

    Well, it's working for me, so, can you give details on your OS/eclipse version/pydev version so that I can try to reproduce it?

    Also, just to make sure, you're clicking on the PyDev package explorer right? If you use the Project Explorer, does it work? What about the Java package explorer?

  • Fabio Zadrozny

    Fabio Zadrozny - 2011-04-19
    • status: open --> pending
  • YoHell

    YoHell - 2011-04-22

    Sorry about the delay, missed the notice from sourceforge somehow.

    > Well, it's working for me, so, can you give details on your OS/eclipse
    > version/pydev version so that I can try to reproduce it?

    OS: Ubuntu 10.10
    Eclipse: IDE for C/C++ Developers, Helios Service Release 2, Build id: 20110218-0911
    PyDev: Nightly build (installed at your request :)

    > Also, just to make sure, you're clicking on the PyDev package explorer right?


    > If you use the Project Explorer, does it work?

    The little icon down to the left? (I guess it's a fast view, whatever that is?) That works fine; meaning it opens the double clicked file in an editor, disappears and gives focus to the editor. I guess this may be because it disappears as soon as I double click anything in it, and thus focus is transfered by necessity.

    The "project explorer" from the C++ perspective has the same behavior as PyDev Package explorer. I guess because it's a permanent view, which, like the PyDev package explorer, does not transfer focus by hara kiri.

    > What about the Java package explorer?

    Same behavior as PyDev Package explorer.

  • YoHell

    YoHell - 2011-04-22
    • status: pending --> open