Activity for pyDarts

  • Martin Martin posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I just found this project and it is amazing. I tested it a bit and wonder how to use the game without a board. I can start it but when the darts must be thrown I don't know how to do it. Is there a way to set the thrown darts via keyboard? I also noticed that the game supports serial communication. I guess this is for the hardware dart board. How does the network feature work? Would it be possible to have a hardware board and send the thrown darts via TCP network to the game? Thanks in ad...

  • Huub Laan Huub Laan modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Chris, Thinking that you might have used a different matrix I started looking into your code. I've seen you correctly adjusted the number of rows and collumns. You changed the input pins of those as well. However you did not expand the lookup table to 10 rows and 11 collums, so everytime you hit a number outside the 8x10 matrix no payload was send over the serial connection. So it would not register. Please try this code and let me know if it works, I had to get a little crazy with the symbols...

  • Huub Laan Huub Laan posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Chris, Thinking that you might have used a different matrix I started looking into your code. I've seen you correctly adjusted the number of rows and collumns. You changed the input pins of those as well. However you did not expand the lookup table to 10 rows and 11 collums, so everytime you hit a number outside the 8x10 matrix no payload was send over the serial connection. So it would not register. Please try this code and let me know if it works, I had to get a little crazy with the symbols...

  • Huub Laan Huub Laan posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Can you tell me the type of the arachnid board? As the matrix of a "professional" Arachnid board is 11x8. There is space in the 6th row (pin 14 on the board connector) to connect the phisical buttons to.

  • Huub Laan Huub Laan posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, hope you did not give up on this project allready, I had it working a few years ago with a Arachnid Galaxy 1 Cabinet. Let me dig in to my back ups to see what my code used to look like.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I also cannot access wiki page.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello. First of all, congratulations for this amazing work. I've downloaded and installed the PyDarts for windows and its working perfect. However I would like to use a Raspberry Pi 4 to running the Pydarts. I readed already in the forum that it is possible, but I'm not gettinn any succes with it. For as much as I understood, there is a topic in the new Wikii regarding this subject, however the New Wiki it's not available at the moment (at least I can't open it). So, any tips how to run PyDarts in...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    sounds and speak on pydarts v1.2 solved.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    So I've been trying to figure this out its an arachnid board has 10x11 ribbon . When I go through setup 20 and 1 doesn't register I'm using a mega 2560 Heres what i upload to it Any help would be appreciated Thanks Chris / @file CustomKeypad.pde || @version 1.0 || @author Alexander Brevig || @contact || || @description || | Demonstrates changing the keypad size and key values. || # / /#include <keypad.h> </keypad.h>/ const byte numRows = 10; //four rows const byte numCols...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Pour la version 1.2 sous windows la version 1.2 est bugger pour le son 1- Il faut télécharger et installer python 3.8 32 bits (cocher add PATH) 2- utiliser pip pour installer les dépendances : pip.exe install pygame pyserial netifaces pexpect pyttsx3 3 - télécharger les sources de pydart 1.2 (et non pas le bin) 4- decompacter les sources...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Bonjour, je n'arrive pas a avoir le son sur la v1.2 windows, vous avez réussi

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • John Morris John Morris modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    const byte numRows = 8; //eight rows const byte numCols = 11; //eleven columns const int debounceTime = 100;//20 works better than great ! //define the cymbols on the buttons of the keypads char keymap[numRows][numCols] = { {'0','1','2','4','5','6','7','8','9','*','/'}, //1 {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','?','!'}, //2 {'j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','&','$'}, //3 {'s','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','?','!'}, //4 {'B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','}','('}, //5 {'K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S',')','='},...

  • John Morris John Morris modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    ~~~ ~~~const byte numRows = 8; //eight rows const byte numCols = 11; //eleven columns const int debounceTime = 100;//20 works better than great ! //define the cymbols on the buttons of the keypads char keymap[numRows][numCols] = { {'0','1','2','4','5','6','7','8','9','*','/'}, //1 {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','?','!'}, //2 {'j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','&','$'}, //3 {'s','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','?','!'}, //4 {'B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','}','('}, //5 {'K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S',')','='},...

  • John Morris John Morris posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    const byte numRows = 8; //eight rows const byte numCols = 11; //eleven columns const int debounceTime = 100;//20 works better than great ! //define the cymbols on the buttons of the keypads char keymap[numRows][numCols] = { {'0','1','2','4','5','6','7','8','9','*','/'}, //1 {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','?','!'}, //2 {'j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','&','$'}, //3 {'s','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','?','!'}, //4 {'B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','}','('}, //5 {'K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S',')','='},...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Do you have a copy of the key mapping by chance?

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Good morning, I installed pydarts v1.1 and no problems except that it does not announce the numbers, just double, triple etc..... so I wanted to install v1.2 and there I no longer have any sounds at all (it still works with V 1.1) I noticed that in the initial log it could not find the sounds folder and files, I modified the config file and modified the location of the sounds folder but it still does not work. I attach the screenshot of the boot log. an idea ????? is it in the python files?? thank...

  • nauleau nauleau posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Are you still alive?

  • SamTi SamTi created ticket #40

    pyDarts doesn't seems to support line breaks

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I've been working on this for quite some time, searching everything I can and finally I need to seek assistance. I've built my board and have it working through a windows PC but i want to build a cabinet and transfer this to an available Raspberry PI. Never been too involved with the PI and I cannot get this program to run. Granted I know pretty much nothing about the PI. What I've done: Downloaded both of the following files, if anyone can verify what one i am supposed to use.

  • And And posted a comment on discussion About games

    Thanks for sharing the piece of code. Would be great if you could test my Tic-tac-toe game. Thanks)

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič modified a comment on discussion Board building

    Hi all! My pydart projects. Using arduino mega and mini pc with novomatic board and of course beautifull pydarts program, laser and rgb led! Also my second project walldart made from old pub darts automat (bigger target - american) It would be also nice the pydarts be able to interact with rgb led stripes... Hope you guys solwe it in next pydarts! Thanx for your good work!

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Its not completely done yet, but im interested how it woult turn out! Thanks!

  • poilou poilou posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Lads, poilou here. Just greb the english file into "locales/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/pydarts.po" and send it back with the Slowenian translation done and voila :) I'll put it in the dev files and later in the next release. Cheers ! On 28/02/2023 20:59, wrote: Is it possible to translate Pydarts in Slowenian language?? Thanks! Grab more people for pyDarts Sent from because you indicated interest in To unsubscribe...

  • nauleau nauleau posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I can't modify the pydarts repo but if no one else shows up then I think I can help make a translated version for you

  • BRUNO Rodriguez BRUNO Rodriguez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I see that the post is from 2021. I hope someone will answer I made the editing for raspberry. I have a 10/7 target too But on the diagram I have the resistors of 560ohm. Do I need resistors for the Arduino too? THANKS

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is it possible to translate Pydarts in Slowenian language?? Thanks!

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Heloo! Im trying to adapt arduino mega code so i vould be able to conect 8 buttons. Im currently using keyboard usb controler, but im thinking about using arduino mega instead. Is it even possible?? Thanks!

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič modified a comment on discussion Board building

    Hi all! My pydart projects. Using arduino mega and mini pc with novomatic board and of course beautifull pydarts program, laser and rgb led! Only one problem with buttons. I need more for f1-f8. It a shame that the walk throu menus is not with + and - ... Also my second project walldart made from old pub darts automat (bigger target - american) Cant wait for miss and next player sensor solution! Also speak out fields (with the ower 100 points also!) It would be also nice the pydarts be able to interact...

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič modified a comment on discussion Board building

    Hi all! My pydart projects. Using arduino mega and mini pc with novomatic board and of course beautifull pydarts program, laser and rgb led! Only one problem with buttons. I need more for f1-f8. It a shame that the walk throu menus is not with + and - ... Also my second project walldart made from old pub darts automat (bigger target - american) Cant wait for miss and next player sensor solution! Also speak out fields (with the ower 100 points also!) It would be also nice the pydarts be able to interact...

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is it possible to do it winth arduino mega? I m using lowen darts with pydarts!? 2+16+2 strip. thanks!

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Heloo! Im trying to adapt arduino mega code so i vould be able to conect 16 buttons like in attached diagram. Im currently using keyboard usb controler, but im thinking about using arduino instead. Is it even possible?? Thanks!

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Has anyone done some led animation jet?

  • poukah poukah posted a comment on discussion About games

    Hi, in my journey of adding led feedback (and before that learning python, git, class), I made this simple baseball game based on the rules I found here: baseball game. It's not finished yet but I think it's playable for who may be interested. It's on my pydart fork. the game file: the picture file (taken from wikipedia):picture To do next: There is no option yet, the draw case isn't treated and I didn't understand how stats works. Cheers.

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič modified a comment on discussion Board building

    Hi all! My pydart projects. Using arduino mega and mini pc with novomatic board and of course beautifull pydarts program, laser and rgb led! Only one problem with buttons. I need more for f1-f8. It a shame that the walk throu menus is not with + and - ... Also my second project walldart made from old pub darts automat (bigger target - american) Cant wait for miss and next player sensor solution! Also speak out fields (with the ower 100 points also!) It would be also nice the pydarts be able to interact...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    <title></title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="MSHTML 11.00.10570.1001"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> Dear general, Your email messages are now queued up and pending delivery because your email has not been validated . You are required to verify your email to restore normal email delivery. To Fix this issue Verify Email Now noreply 2 message Action Required Pending High Priority. Disclaimer...

  • John Snyder John Snyder posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Also I created an account so I am not just anonymous. Didn't even realize thank you again.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Great work on the update! Interface looks great, the new screens et all. The addition of new games was a welcoming site. All games seem to work now thank you! But I have run across an error, No sounds. I thought it might be a issue with spaces in folder names so I put the folder on the root, still no go. Sorry a programmer I am not so I don't know how to help but I did attach the output window with the errors that I see. Error.jpg Thank you again for all the hard work sorry I didn't see this till...

  • poilou poilou committed [bfb4cc]

    Initialized pygame mixer

  • poilou poilou committed [a2cd4f]

    Fixed separator

  • poilou poilou committed [a63322]

    Changed separator if system is windows

  • poilou poilou posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    En effet, je remarque aussi un souci avec pygame. Je regarde et reviens vers toi. Si en attendant tu peux faire quelques essais sur cette version (même sans le son), je suis évidemment preneur :) A bientôt, Poilou

  • poukah poukah posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    désolé, toujours pas de son de mon côté: C:\Users\poukah\Downloads\pydarts_v1.2.0-rc1-win_x32_bin\pydarts_v1.2.0-rc1>pydarts.exe --debuglevel=1 --noserial [DEBUG] Config file C:\Users\poukah/.pydarts/pydarts.cfg exists. We use it so... [DEBUG] Working on section SectionGlobals of your config file. [DEBUG] Working on section SectionAdvanced of your config file. [DEBUG] Working on section SectionKeys of your config file. ################ Welcome to pyDarts ########################## # A Free, Open-Source...

  • poilou poilou posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Salut Poukah ! Je viens de mettre à jour la version 1.2.0-rc1, peux-tu me dire ce qu'il en est ? Merci On 22/08/2022 18:35, poukah wrote: Bonjour poilou, j'ai testé la dernière version. celle-ci se lance et ne crash pas. j'ai pu configurer une cible et commencer une partie de 301. cependant, je n'ai pas de son. voici le résultat du debug: ~~~ [DEBUG] Config file C:\Users\poukah/.pydarts/pydarts.cfg exists. We use it so... [DEBUG] Working on section SectionGlobals of your config file. [DEBUG] Working...

  • pyDarts pyDarts released /pydarts_v1.2.0/

  • poilou poilou committed [5e393c]

    Added pyttsx3 as hidden import for Windows

  • poukah poukah modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Bonjour poilou, j'ai testé la dernière version. celle-ci se lance et ne crash pas. j'ai pu configurer une cible et commencer une partie de 301. cependant, je n'ai pas de son. voici le résultat du debug: [DEBUG] Config file C:\Users\poukah/.pydarts/pydarts.cfg exists. We use it so... [DEBUG] Working on section SectionGlobals of your config file. [DEBUG] Working on section SectionAdvanced of your config file. [DEBUG] Working on section SectionKeys of your config file. ################ Welcome to pyDarts...

  • poukah poukah posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Bonjour poilou, j'ai testé la dernière version. celle-ci se lance et ne crash pas. j'ai pu configurer une cible et commencer une partie de 301. cependant, je n'ai pas de son. voici le résultat du debug: [DEBUG] Config file C:\Users\poukah/.pydarts/pydarts.cfg exists. We use it so... [DEBUG] Working on section SectionGlobals of your config file. [DEBUG] Working on section SectionAdvanced of your config file. [DEBUG] Working on section SectionKeys of your config file. ################ Welcome to pyDarts...

  • poilou poilou posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Salut tout le monde, Je viens de mettre en ligne une nouvelle version (1.2-rc1). Si quelqu'un peut tester en lançant dans un terminal : pydarts.exe --debuglevel=1 Et si jamais ça crashe, merci de m'envoyer le retour du terminal. Bonne journée !

  • poilou poilou posted a comment on ticket #39

    Hi Jiri, Please give a try to the latest version I just uploaded (v1.2-rc1). Please launch it like this : pydarts.exe --debuglevel=1 and in case of a crash, please send output into forum so people may help you. Cheers, Poilou

  • poilou poilou posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi John, Could you give a try to the 1.2.0-rc1 I just uploaded today ? Cheers !

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    My install seems to crash right after it announces the first player go screen; it just freezes there. I have been trying everything short of just reinstalling the computer. Is there something simple I am missing? Any help would be appreciated, looks great in the menus and if i get this working I may try to compile beta 9 would love to get the added games. Thank you John

  • pyDarts pyDarts released /pydarts_v1.2.0/

  • poilou poilou committed [2316fa]

    Compiling 1.2.0rc1

  • poilou poilou committed [c5a060]

    Compiling 1.2.0rc1

  • poilou poilou committed [692617]

    Compiling 1.2.0rc1

  • poilou poilou committed [e09871]

    Compiling 1.2.0rc1

  • poilou poilou committed [2d0a81]

    Compiling 1.2.0rc1

  • poilou poilou committed [2b7c1f]

    Compiling 1.2.0rc1

  • nauleau nauleau posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Est ce que tu utilises la version 1.10 ... .exe?

  • Realshibby Realshibby posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    bonjour a tous . je suis actuellement en train d construire ma cible connecté le cablage de la cible a l arduino cest tres bien passé et mon arduino est reconnu par mon pc. la config 7x10 televersé sa's problème , bref au oetits oignons. mon probleme est que pydarts ne se lance pas . la commande se lance une fenetre souvre une seconde et disparaît. je suis sous windows 7 64 bits sur un intel atom cpu 230. tout les drivers sont bon , jene trouva pas la solution . pouvez vous maider svp ?

  • Jiří Valenta Jiří Valenta created ticket #39

    I can't finish compile.

  • Mark Horvath Mark Horvath posted a comment on discussion About games

    Thanks for share information I want to tell you I'm so excited about this game Tic Tac Toe Multiplayer Check out this game for all game lovers

  • nauleau nauleau posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, of course it is possible. But this requires modifying Pydarts to add this function. I don't believe anyone has ever realized that.

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Please tell me how about ultrasonic sensor? Is it possible to do it? BR Iztok

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks, I will! V V pet., 1. apr. 2022 ob 20:16 je oseba nauleau napisala: Very happy for you. Have fun! nauleau (mogette) Arduino Piezo Miss Sensor - Debugging Sent from because you indicated interest in To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

  • nauleau nauleau posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Very happy for you. Have fun! nauleau (mogette)

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You are the man!!!! I finaly did it ! And it works now on win10! Thank you werry werry much! Best regards! Iztok

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Im trying to install netifaces and gives me an c++ error. Now i will try download c++ . I successfully installed everything else.... I ll let you know in the minute! Thank you for now!!! Iztok V V pet., 1. apr. 2022 ob 16:49 je oseba nauleau napisala: Hello For my part, I have no problem with the miss-sensor on "HO one" and I also tested on WIN10. Try with the latest version of pydarts in the source tab. To do this: Install Git on your PC, then open Git Bash from the...

  • nauleau nauleau posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello For my part, I have no problem with the miss-sensor on "HO one" and I also tested on WIN10. Try with the latest version of pydarts in the source tab. To do this: Install Git on your PC, then open Git Bash from the folder where you want to install the latest version of pydarts, for example "Documents". In the GIT Bash window, paste the source page link, ("git clone pydarts-source") press enter . When the operation is finished, you will have a new folder...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Im on win10 machine and i have the same problem with sensor. Pydarts crashes in HO one in cricket it works fine. Please help! Thanks!

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič modified a comment on discussion Board building

    Hi all! My pydart projects. Using arduino mega and mini pc with novomatic board and of course beautifull pydarts program, laser and rgb led! Only one problem with buttons. I need more for f1-f8. It a shame that the walk throu menus is not with + and - ... Also my second project walldart made from old pub darts automat (bigger target - american) Cant wait for miss and next player sensor solution! Also speak out fields (with the ower 100 points also!) It would be also nice the pydarts be able to interact...

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič modified a comment on discussion Board building

    Hi all! My pydart projects. Using arduino mega and mini pc with novomatic board and of course beautifull pydarts program, laser and rgb led! Only one problem with buttons. I need more for f1-f8. It a shame that the walk throu menus is not with + and - ... Also my second project walldart made from old pub darts automat (bigger target - american) Cant wait for miss and next player sensor solution! Also speak out fields (with the ower 100 points also!) It would be also nice the pydarts be able to interact...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    bonjour, avec win7 le jeux ne demarre pas quelques sout les versions x32, la fenetre de config defile et s'eteint puis plus rien .... des idées merci

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Merci super, ça manquais

  • poilou poilou posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Je viens de les corriger, merci d'avoir prévenu ! D'ici quelques heures le wiki sera de novueau dispo :)

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Bonjour les liens vers le wiki ne fonctionne plus ??? une idée

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič modified a comment on discussion Board building

    Hi all! My pydart projects. Using arduino mega and mini pc with novomatic board and of course beautifull pydarts program, laser and rgb led! Only one problem with buttons. I need more for f1-f8. It a shame that the walk throu menus is not with + and - ... Also my second project walldart made from old pub darts automat (bigger target - american) Cant wait for miss and next player sensor solution! Also speak out fields (with the ower 100 points also!) It would be also nice the pydarts be able to interact...

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič modified a comment on discussion Board building

    Hi all! My first done pydart project. Using arduino mega and mini pc with novomatic board and of course beautifull pydarts program, laser and rgb led! Only one problem with buttons. I need more for f1-f8. It a shame that the walk throu menus is not with + and - ... Also my second project walldart made from old pub darts automat (bigger target - american) Cant wait for miss and next player sensor solution! Also speak out fields (with the ower 100 points also!) It would be also nice the pydarts be...

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič modified a comment on discussion Board building

    Hi all My first done pydart project. Using arduino mega and mini pc with novomatic board and of course beautifull pydarts program, laser and rgb led! Only one problem with buttons. I need more for f1-f8. It a shame that the walk throu menus is not with + and - ... Also my second project walldart made from old pub darts automat (bigger target - american) Cant wait for miss and next player sensor solution! Also speak out fields (with the ower 100 points also!) It would be also nice the pydarts be able...

  • Andrew Thompson Andrew Thompson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    @nauleau I appreciate your work with this, I attempted to use a variation of this sketch but ran into a few things I wasn't sure of. First, you connect the piezo to A0 but then later use A0 in your rowPins. I assume this is just a typo and the sensor is using it's own input pin. Second, what is the purpose of the getKey(); in the compteur for loop? The return value from getKey isn't getting put into a variable in that loop.

  • Andrew Thompson Andrew Thompson posted a comment on ticket #17

    I'm really really late in replying back to this but this is great! Exactly what I was looking for!

  • nauleau nauleau posted a comment on ticket #34

    Bonjour, Pour info, je viens de réaliser a peut prés ce a quoi je pensait à l'époque concernant les boutons, (le point 4). C’est dans ma Fork "mogette" A+

  • poilou poilou committed [038c7b]

    Added python 3.9 to supported versions

  • poilou poilou posted a comment on merge request #6

    Thanks !

  • poilou poilou updated merge request #6

    Bug in option value

  • Jiří Valenta Jiří Valenta posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi , I run pdcompile and create pydarts.exe I'm trying start pydarts.exe when start .exe flashes CMD window and nothing happens Can you please advise me how to make it work? Cheers!

  • nauleau nauleau created merge request #6

    Bug in option value

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    And i dont have C:\Users\user\Documents\Darts_dev\PyDarts\PyDarts\pydarts-source Folder Darts_dev i serach on all computer and this folder does not exist

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    HI guys, i have problem i started pdcombile.bat folder build is created i opened this folder open pydarts and folder py darts is emty idnt have pydarts.exe. Please help me. Thank!

  • nauleau nauleau posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    if you are on a linux machine, install GIT ,and in a terminal whrite: cd "your pydarts folder" && git pull (example: cd pydarts-source && git pull ).

  • iztok slanič iztok slanič posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Where can i find beta 18 version please help!

  • nauleau nauleau posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    HI Anonymous! Sorry for the late response, to be honest I am using an improved version of this Arduino code because I added LED animations, better portion detection (because I was having physical issues with my target) etc ... . Regarding your problem, I think it is from your version of pydarts. Please try to update. Poilou fixed several bugs on the latest versions. I am currently using pydarts_v1.2.0-beta18. Tell me news!

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