
Version 0.9 released

Version 0.9 is a feature release.

  • Added a new option --slice-by.
  • Suppressed the crc_reflect function where not needed. Addresses part of #8. Thanks to Craig McQueen.
  • Allow strings with values greater than 0x80 in --check-hexstring.
  • Fixed a bug in CRC when the width is less than 8. Thanks to Steve Geo.
  • Fixed the initial value of the 16-bit CCITT algorithm. Renamed the model from ccitt to crc-16-ccitt. Fixes #7. Thanks to Craig McQueen.
  • Simplified the implementation where Width is less than 8 bits.
  • Run the code through pylint.

The --slice-by option is a major new feature. It enables a variant of the table-driven algorithm that operates on 32 bits of data or more at a time rather than 8 bits. This can dramatically speed-up the calculation of the CRC, at the cost of increased code and data size. Note: this option is still experimental and not well-tested. Check your results and please raise bugs if you find problems. Also not all CRC models can be used currently with the --slice-by option. This will change in future.

Compliance with PEP 0008 required a change in the python API. Member variables of classes should be in lowercase and not in CamelCase.

Posted by Thomas Pircher 2016-01-14 Labels: v0.9

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