
PyCodebug / Blog: Recent posts

What's next

After adding lots of features, I think now would be a good time to stop and do a re-cap.
For this purpose, I will select a typical scenario that this tool can handle, and record a tutorial session that shows the usage from start to finish, with some details on how the features come to play.
Hopefully to be created and uploaded in the next few days.

Posted by Amir Geva 2013-09-10

Methods documentation

After finishing the methods list and selection, I figured the jump to having the docstring pulled and displayed for the selected method is not too much of a reach.
I had a few hours of internet outage today, so I had to use the interpreter's inspect to get some documentation for my own code (no online reference). Took a little more time, but it all worked out.

Posted by Amir Geva 2013-09-10

Methods list

Finalized the methods list floating list
Getting all of this done is relatively easy code-wise, but the PySide documentation requires more work than the bare minimum of coding.
Thanks to StackOverflow, it only took a couple of evenings and not much more.

Posted by Amir Geva 2013-09-09

Variable methods helper

Started working on adding a view of a variable methods, right after pressing the dot.
This uses a similar approach as the value evaluation.
Most of the work was on generalization of the Evaluator code.
Still need to create the floating methods list dialog.

Posted by Amir Geva 2013-09-07

Files history & Icon

In order to make it easier to work with multiple scripts, I added a typical recent files history. It's accessible from both the File menu, and an optional recent files pane, in the View menu.
Also added a cute icon

Posted by Amir Geva 2013-08-31

Overloading the concept

While working on the project, it occurred to me that in addition to collecting variable values, I can also collect exceptions and errors, and display them.
The code now includes support for this, marking error lines with red background and adding a call-out balloon with the error message.
This should help with those pesky typos that are discovered during run-time.

Posted by Amir Geva 2013-08-25