
Multi-pass step depth

  • Brendan Erwin

    Brendan Erwin - 2008-09-05

    I need to mill parts in aluminum but the tool paths generated seem a bit on the aggressive side. Is there a way to specify multiple passes only dropping a specified amount in the z?

    I suppose for that it might be useful to provide stock dimensions...

    • Lode Leroy

      Lode Leroy - 2008-09-05

      You can specify the number of steps in z, which is the field called "layers".
      (This only works for the pushcutter though)

    • Brendan Erwin

      Brendan Erwin - 2008-09-05

      What is the difference between the various cutting strategies?

      • Lode Leroy

        Lode Leroy - 2008-09-05

        Actually, they are all different ideas.

        as a practical approach, you would probably:

        1) use the Cylindrical cutter with the PushCutter Pathgenerator and the Polygon PostProcessor to do the "rough" cutting

        2) use the Spherical cutter with the DropCutter Pathgenerator and the ZigZag PostProcessor to do the "finish" cutting.

        on the screw-holder.stl, I tried the following settings:

        min x = -5  max x = +70
        min y = -5  max y = +45
        min z = 0   max z = +16

        toolsize = 5mm

        Cylindrical / PushCutter / Polygon
        layers = 6 (3mm per layer)
        lines = 25 (2mm per line)

        Cylindrical / DropCutter / ZigZag
        lines = 50 (1mm per line)

        DropCutter will go trough lines X samples points and "drop" the tool until it hits the model.
        PushCutter will go trough lines and push the cutter along the X axis until it hits the model

        the postprocessors generate a toolpath from the list of "hits"

        pathaccumulator is simply adding points to the list
        zigzag will reverse the direction at the end
        Polygon will try to keep the cuts together


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