

  • skinnybottom

    skinnybottom - 2008-12-16

    I am keen to try pycam, but have fallen over at the installation stage. Can someone tell me what to do with TOGL after I have downloaded it.  I am running ubuntu and suse 10.3 but am not really that savvy, so step by step instructions would be much appreciated

    • Lode Leroy

      Lode Leroy - 2008-12-17

      here is what I suggest to compile Togl yourself.

      try to download the source package for tcl and tk for your distribution,
      or, failing that, for the same version of tcl and tk.

      Togl only needs access to a few header files that are not part of the
      binary distributions...

      I unpacked the sources next to the Togl sources, then
      cd ~/tcl-8.5.5/unix; ./configure
      cd ~/tk-8.5.5/unix; ./configure
      cd ~/Togl2.0; ./configure --with-tcl=../tcl-8.5.5
      --with-tk=../tk-8.5.5 --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr
      --enable-threads ; make

  • Jonathan MacWilliams

    I am also somewhat of a Linux Newbie.  I am running ubuntu 9.10 and I trying in vain to get Pycam running.  My biggest hurdle is getting this Togl installed.  I have tried using the procedure described above on the new version of TCL/TK (8.5.8) and then again with 8.5.5.  I have received nothing but error messages, with directories not found, permission denied.  I have tried it in the root terminal and the regular terminal with various, unsuccessful, results.

    Is there just a way to get TOGL installed with the package manager?  It would make everything so much easier.  Or can I just drop togl somewhere in the file tree so I can get past all these issues….

    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

  • Lode Leroy

    Lode Leroy - 2010-02-01

    for Ubuntu, look what version of tcl and tk is installed, eg. tcl8.4 and tk8.4.
    then install "tcl8.4dev" and "tk8.4dev"
    and then compile Togl2

  • Lode Leroy

    Lode Leroy - 2010-02-01

    just happen to have access to a ubuntu machine, so it seems like you need to specify the directories to tcl and tk:

    ./configure -with-tcl=/usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.4/ -with-tk=/usr/share/tcltk/tk8.4/
    sudo make install

  • Jonathan MacWilliams


    I got a bit farther - thanks for your help

    You also need to add "Freeglut3-Dev" and "libxmu-dev" or it gets REALLY angry when you "make"

    Hopefully this is all I need to get Pycam running - I will keep you posted

    Thanks for your help


  • Jonathan MacWilliams

    It WORKS!

    Just so you know, it runs on Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook Remix on a HP Mini 110


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