
The Python play by email project / News: Recent posts

Thera 2.0.2

Thera's been getting some love recently, courtesy of Jan Schaumlöffel, who's been running a game of Atlantis 4 and sent in a ton of bug reports.

Mostly they're silly typo bugs on my part, or misconversions from Thera 0.6.4, but they still meant that players couldn't send message or times reports, so if you're running Thera 2, you should definitely upgrade.


Posted by Anthony Briggs 2008-01-21

PyAtlantis 1.4, Thera 2.0

Two releases which I haven't publicised much:

Thera 2.0 is a complete rewrite of the core code, which makes it much easier to configure and run:
* configuration is on a one game per directory basis, so there's much less to be done for each game, and the config is much cleaner and simpler
* Thera now reads emails from an mbox rather than stdin, so should be easier to get running on Windows.
* the core code is now very flexible and simple; adding your own commands is a piece of cake.... read more

Posted by Anthony Briggs 2008-01-13

PyAtlantis - let's get Wild and Crazy

There are now two branches for PyAtlantis:

Stable - bugfix only for currently running games (ie. elderlands). Any bugfixes for Stable will normally be rolled into the "Wild and Crazy" trunk.

Wild and Crazy - anything goes, start ripping code out and refactoring (hopefully with unit tests!). Any patches that you send me should be against the "Wild and Crazy" branch (actually trunk). read more

Posted by Anthony Briggs 2007-09-09

Subversion Reorganisation

I've just reorganised the subversion repository to make maintaining individual projects much easier. Previously everything was under trunk, but now everything has it's own directory.

In other words, the repository used to look like this:

trunk --- pyatlantis
|- thera
|- genghis
branches --
tags --

but it now looks like this:

pyatlantis --- trunk
|- branches
|- tags
genghis --- trunk
|- branches
|- tags... read more

Posted by Anthony Briggs 2007-09-09

PyAtlantis 1.0!

I've just put PyAtlantis 1.0 up as a download. It's currently pretty much a direct conversion of the old Atlantis1 sources from C into Python, with some changes to functionality so that it conforms to the Atlantis v4 interface, and is possible to run with (eg.) Thera or your normal Atlantis runner.

Much work still needs to be done to the code, in terms of cleaning up the code/design and improving customisability, but it's a good start!... read more

Posted by Anthony Briggs 2007-08-16

New projects -- Genghis, al, ae, and slurp

I've put several "new" projects up in subversion. I say "new", because they've been kicking around for a while now, but for various reasons I haven't released them.

Genghis is a bot written to help me play in StAtlantis - it's fairly simple minded, but what it does, it does well.

al is a library for parsing Atlantis files. Genghis makes fairly heavy use of it.

ae is an attempt at an Atlantis editor, written in curses back when I had a command line fetish.... read more

Posted by Anthony Briggs 2007-06-22

PyAtlantis project

For those of you who aren't subscribed to Atlantisdev, I've started up a new project; a conversion of Atlantis version 1 into Python. The theory is that it'll provide a reasonable framework for bootstrapping a Python PBEM engine.

It's still in progress, but is available from subversion under trunk/pyatlantis/:

Once it's playable I'll start up a project for it.... read more

Posted by Anthony Briggs 2007-05-15