
Tree [976ce2] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 pyano 2011-01-07 Sean Sean [c27d9d] Fixed bug that ignored mail2news gateways with ...
 www 2011-01-28 Sean Sean [7039bb] Updated website to version 0.6b
 .gitignore 2010-03-04 Sean Sean [315ff0] Initial commit
 COPYING 2010-03-04 Sean Sean [315ff0] Initial commit
 README 2010-11-12 Sean Sean [0d0d24] Update README and web page for version 0.6
 pyano.cfg.example 2011-02-08 Sean Sean [976ce2] Fixed typo in sample config file 2011-01-07 Sean Sean [c27d9d] Fixed bug that ignored mail2news gateways with ...

Read Me

This is the README file for Pyano v0.5

Copyright (C) 2010 Sean Whitbeck <>

  Copying and distribution of this, with or without modification, are
  permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
  notice and this notice are preserved.



  Pyano is a web interface for the mixmaster remailer written for

  It aims to be easy to install and get working, while remaining quite
  configurable, both in its interaction with mixmaster and in its
  appearance. It is heavily inspired by the mixweb perl script at

  This program assumes:
    - Python (>=2.6)
    - A functionning mixmaster client.
    - Apache2 with mod_python enabled

  Further functionnality is available if the host is a pinger. 

See also:
 - mixmaster:
 - echolot:
 - cotse mixweb:
 - mod_python:


  1. Place the pyano module on your python path. There are several
     ways of doing this:
      * Use distutils. Type in the folder where you extracted the 
      	pyano sources:
              python install  
	this will install the pyano module on your system's python

      * Or simply simply add the following line
      	in your apache configuration:
	     PythonPath "sys.path+['/path/to/parent']"
	where parent is the folder containing the pyano module.

  2. Copy and edit the pyano.cfg.example file to adapt the options to
  your server. The only parameter that MUST be set correctly is the
  path to the mixmaster binary.

  3. To activate the email interface on http://hostname/foo/pyanomail,
  add the following snippet to your apache configuration:
    <Location /foo/pyanomail>
       SetHandler python-program
       PythonHandler pyano.mail
       PythonOption config_file /path/to/pyano.cfg

  4. To activate the usenet interface on
  http://hostname/foo/pyanonews, add the following snippet to your
  apache configuration:
     <Location /foo/pyanonews> 
        SetHandler python-program
	PythonOption config_file /path/to/pyano.cfg

  5. To activate the email blocking interface on
  http://hostname/foo/pyanoblock, add the following snippet to your
  apache configuration:
     <Location /foo/pyanoblock> 
        SetHandler python-program
	PythonHandler pyano.block
	PythonOption config_file /path/to/pyano.cfg