Bryan Mongeau - 2001-02-08

Anyone with DLL building experience, please help!

I have a bloating and importing problem. Here's a post to the swig list I made :


Keep in mind I am a complete newbie to VC++, but I managed to muck my way through it and make a DLL. To my horror, this was the result:

rijndaelcmodule.dll  == 245 K

whereas == 37 K

Is this a result of windoze linking against all those *.lib it needs? Is there any way I can prevent this from happening? Please say yes... I am completely ignorant when it comes to DLL building and the size increase is an unnaceptable bloat in my opinion!

Worse yet:

>>> import rijndaelc
ImportError: DLL load failed: One of the library files needed to
run this application cannot be found


I could not get the Windoze version of swig to run on my box. It kept complaining that common.swg could not be found. So I merely swigged in Linux then compiled in Windoze. Could this be a problem even though the *_wrap.c code has the windows defines?


Help anyone?