
PHP and XML - Syntax Like JQuery / News: Recent posts

Version 017 - Plugin Bug Fixed

June 5, 2011 - Fixed a bug introduced in version 014 that prevented plugins from loading. Also, returned the 'parent' and 'first' methods, which somehow got lost from version 016.

Posted by Troy Hirni 2011-06-05

Version 016 - Bug Correction

May 21, 2011 - Corrected a small bug in the get method that cause a warning when called with no parameter.

Posted by Troy Hirni 2011-05-21

Version 015 - Added parent, first

March 28, 2011 - Released version 015 with addition of a parent method and a first method.

Posted by Troy Hirni 2011-03-28

Version 014 - Added find, Changed children

March 17, 2011 - Uploaded px.014.php to correct the children method so that it behaves like jQuery. That is, it returns only direct descendants of selected nodes and can be called without a parameter. Added a find method which behaves just as children did, returning any nodes that match the xpath parameter.

Also - reduced the static Path method. Path no longer accepts arrays as parameters (which was irrelevant considering it's intended use). That should speed the method up slightly and reduce the size of the code a bit.

Posted by Troy Hirni 2011-03-17

Version 013 - Added children Method

Needed a "children" method, so added it and uploaded a new version.

Posted by Troy Hirni 2011-03-15

Version 012 Works with Fragments

Aug 12, 2010 - Uploaded px.012.php with performance improvements, consistency in callback parameters, and the ability to pass xml fragments to the after(), append(), before(), html(), and prepend() methods.

This version also comes with a "test sheet". Download px-test.012.php to test all functions in one script. (You may need to adjust the path to px.012.php in the require_once statement near the top of the file.)

Posted by Troy Hirni 2010-08-12


I'm not much of an administrator, nor a great PR guy. I didn't explore the tools available, but did happen to stumble onto this News functionality, so I'm moving the History thread (under the Open Discussion forum) here. Here's what's happened so far, and I'll make future updates "news releases" here. Enjoy!

I'm trying to keep a little record here of what I've done... I believe I created the project Friday July 23, 2010 and uploaded version 0.001 that implemented the constructor, attr, html, and xml methods. The next day I added the each method, and Sunday I wrote the documentation that's on the server at right now. Then today I added the addClass and removeClass methods.... read more

Posted by Troy Hirni 2010-08-06