
PacketWise Report Portal / News: Recent posts

How to Install v1.0k

1. FTP the zip file in binary mode to your PacketWise device's default FTP directory (9.256/).
2. Telnet into the PacketWise device as the touch user.
3. Enter "unzip -o <filename>" to unzip the contents into the appropriate directory. This will overwrite old versions also.
4. Enter "sys set wuiUserFiles 1" at the CLI. This will enable customization the WUI so a button will appear in the Report tab.
5. Login to your PacketWise device's WUI.
6. Click on the Report tab, then click on the "Report Portal" or "Analysis Matrix" button and it will open a new window that will display the respective interface.

Posted by Sean Applegate 2004-08-04

How to install v1.0e

1. Unzip onto your computer.
2. FTP all the files to your PacketWise device's 9.256/BIN directory.
Use "mput *.*" from the FTP command prompt and answer yes to upload each file.
3. To browse to the interface go to http://<ipaddress>/rp.htm, to add a button to the Report tab continue on to step 4.
4. Telnet into the PacketWise device.
5. Enter "sys set wuiUserFiles 1" at the CLI. This will enable customization the WUI.
6. Change directories to the 9.256/BIN directory by entering "cd bin" at the CLI.
7. Create the "wui" directory by entering "mkdir wui" at the CLI.
8. Move rptmenu.htm into the new "wui" directory by entering "mv rptmenu.htm wui" at the CLI. This customized page will now override the existing Report tab's left column menu. The new menu will include a link to the Report Portal's rp.htm page in a new window.
9. Login to your PacketWise device's WUI.
10. Click on the Report tab, then click on the "Report Portal" button and it will open a new window that will display the Report Portal.

Posted by Sean Applegate 2002-11-25